Investment Opportunities in LCCC Cities 12 Jan 2011 Global Energy Basel
Outline What is LCCC Program? Objectives Anticipated Program Outputs Program Focused Areas Opportunities in LCCC Cities LCCC Pilot Cities Investment and Financing Opportunities Existing Projects Contact Us
Outline What is LCCC Program? Objectives Anticipated Program Outputs Program Focused Areas Opportunities in LCCC Cities LCCC Pilot Cities Investment and Financing Opportunities Existing Projects Contact Us
What is the LCCC Program? Low Carbon City China (LCCC) Program is a bilateral cooperative program between China and Switzerland in the field of climate change and sustainable development. It is targeted at helping Chinese cities to reduce carbon emission and improve energy efficiency.
10 Municipalities participating in the program have reduced their carbon intensity and energy intensity according to the 12 th Five Year Plan targets. 10 Municipalities are aware of, and generate significant socio-economic benefits from their low-carbon vision and plans. Two Objectives
Participating municipalities have signed the “China Mayors Declaration on Climate Change” committing the municipality to implement a LCC approach. Regular events are organized A municipal LCC action plan is established and being implemented by participating municipalities respectively. Comprehensive and suitable LCCC standards are developed and a management system comprising assessment, monitoring is established; Competent advisory services to support municipalities are available. Eight Anticipated Outputs
Instruments/ tools developed, best practices described and pilot projects implemented for the support of the LCC approach by advisors and municipalities A broad communication package incl. aspects of information, awareness building and dissemination – including other countries - has been developed. A network for municipalities is built up as a platform for municipalities to exchange their experiences and formulate new requirements for the low carbon approach. At least 20 municipalities participate actively; Low-carbon approaches promoted are integrated into, municipal, provincial and national policies, laws and regulations; the financing of low carbon approaches is assessed and access to financial resources facilitated. Eight Anticipated Outputs (2)
THREE Focused Areas Low Carbon Transportation Prioritize urban public transport, air policy and CO2 reduction, Localized instrument/tool to reduce fuel use and save energy, Low Carbon transport development evaluation and certification methodology Green Building Green Building Label, Effective Awareness and Capacity Building / Learning / Educating / Coaching, Green Building Roadmaps for Municipalities, Low Carbon Facility Management Low Carbon Industry Low carbon/energy efficiency Financing, Energy management/assessment tools, energy management trainings, Low carbon technology evaluation and technology case profiles
Outline What is LCCC Program? Objectives Anticipated Program Outputs Program Focused Area Opportunities in LCCC Cities LCCC Pilot Cities Investment and Financing Opportunities Contact Us
LCCC Cities Six Pilot Cities Yinchuan Municipality Meishan Municipality Dezhou Municipality Dongcheng District of Beijing Kunming Municipality Baoding Municipality Other Candidates : Chongqing, Qingdao, Nanchang, Dalian, Suzhou, Zhongshan, Xian, Chengdu, Handan, etc.
Geographic Distribution of Six LCCC Pilot Cities
City Profiles: Yinchuan Basic Information: Capital of Ningxia Autonomous Region Population: 1,700,000 GDP(2009): 57.8 Billion Yuan (RMB) Investment Opportunities Green Building Project Existing Building Retrofit, New Building, Facility Management Coal Chemistry Project Technology Innovation and Transfer, Project Finance Energy Management in Industrial Enterprises EnMS, Energy Technology Innovation and Diffusion Financing
City Profiles: Meishan Basic Information: Major City in Sichuan Province Population: 2,992,000 GDP(2009): 46.5 Billion Yuan (RMB ) Investment Opportunities Waste Water Treatment Plant Construct New Waste Water Treatment Plant and Pipeline Network Landfill Project Buildup New Landfill Sites, New Landfill Liner Technology Low Carbon Industrial Park Establishing Low Carbon Industrial Park and Infrastructure Financing Smart Grid Smart Grid Technology Financing
City Profiles: Dezhou Basic Information: Major City in Shandong Province Population: 5,690,000 GDP(2009): Billion Yuan (RMB) Investment Opportunities Solar Energy Project Solar Heat and PV Tech.Transfer and Financing, Technology R&D Heat Pump Geo-thermal Heat Pump Technology Biogas Project New Technology Development and Application
City Profiles: Baoding Basic Information: Major City in Hebei Province Population: 11,016,000 GDP(2009): Billion Yuan (RMB) Investment Opportunities Renewable Energy and New Energy Industry Expansion of Existing PV Industry and Wind Turbine Generation Electricity Transmission and Dispatching New Technology Transfer and Expansion of Existing Industries Automotive Industry Existing Industry Expansion, New Technology Adoption and Application New Energy Storage R&D Center Establishment, Technology Financing
City Profiles: Kunming Basic Information: Capital of Yunnan Province Population: 6,280,000 GDP(2009): Billion Yuan (RMB) Investment Opportunities Urban Rail Project Project Financing, Operation and Maintenance Wetland Protection Project Assessment and Evaluation Tools Development Solar Energy Project Solar Heating and PV Project Application and Financing
City Profiles: Dongcheng District of Beijing City Basic Information: Population: 865,000 GDP(2009): Billion Yuan (RMB) Investment Opportunities Low carbon community Establish Low Carbon Communities Energy-saving Facility Management Project Produce Energy-saving Facility Management Manual and Case Profiles Low Carbon School Project Establishing Low Carbon School Assessment Tools
Outline What is LCCC Program? Objectives Anticipated Program Outputs Program Focused Areas Opportunities in LCCC Cities LCCC Pilot Cities Investment and Financing Opportunities Existing Projects Contact Us
Contact Zhang Ruijie Managing Director Low Carbon City China (LCCC) Program Management Unit Tel: Fax:
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