Establishment Stage Planning and draft process Defining Territoria l scope Scoping issues pressures Establishing coord. mechanisms Defining governance context Engaging stakeholders Proposing a vision Deciding on SEA Island Surface: ha, Controlled by Cyprus Republic ha KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE FOR A BIOSPHERE RESERVE
1. Defining Territorial Scope Administrative area of Akamas Peninsula settlements: ha NATURA 2000 site Terrestrial: ha (1.84% CY controlled). Marine 7851 ha 9 settlements, 5908 population (Cyprus pop ) Types of Ecosystems: marine, coastal, terrestrial (including bird habitats) KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE FOR A BIOSPHERE RESERVE
Traditional settlements and dwellings
2. Scoping of the major river basin issues Gorges, temporary rivers and streams: Livestock waste Tourism overexplotation Erosion due to overgrazing Spraying of insecticides Destruction of drystone retention walls KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE FOR A BIOSPHERE RESERVE
3. Defining the Governance Context Current Governing Body: Managerial Committee under the Department of Environment (ministry of environment) with the paricipation of other three departments of the same ministry, plus more relevant departments NGOs technical chamber etc. Local actors: Local authorities, environmental and cultural NGOs, tourism sector, associations of farmers, fishermen and hunters. KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE FOR A BIOSPHERE RESERVE
4. Engaging STAKEHOLDERS and preparing communication strategy Mapping stakeholders Governmental bodies (environmental, forestry, fauna protection, fishing and marine research, geological, water, agricultural, urban planning, public works, archeological, energy DEPTS.), District officers, Cyprus Tourism org., pedagogical institute. NGOs (environmental, cultural, social ) Associations (farmers/breeders including organic, fishermen, women, youth, handicraft, scientific, agrotourism, gastronomic, cyclist, climbers, tourist guide, cooperatives) Universities and Institutions Unesco, MAB Donors and investors Volunteers KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE FOR A BIOSPHERE RESERVE
Proposing a communication strategy: Engaging public hearing and participation in decision making. a communication and media consultant Preparation and conducting opinion of surveys and statistical analysis Prepare workshops, summer schools, public conferences and awareness raising campaigns. Elements of a communication strategy: Environmental Department & Akamas project director KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE FOR A BIOSPHERE RESERVE
AKAMAS PENINSULA KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE 5. Proposing a potential vision - elements of a strategic planning of the Akamas BR: 5.2. Preliminary Vision for the PLAN AREA Set up a local coordinating body for the planning of the “vision” consisting of local authorities, gov. departments, scientists, NGOs and green businesses COMBINED MANAGEMENT: NATURA 2000 management & Sustainable Development Action Plan Define three biosphere reserve areas/zones according to the COMBINED MANAGEMENT. Sustainable development of existing land use plan. Development of financial tools for the operation of the Plan (donors, financing instruments, volunteers, European programs) Engaging ecotourism and green businesses Reinforce networking with similar experiences.
AKAMAS PENINSULA KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE 5.2. Preliminary Vision for the PLAN AREA (continued) Developing a common branding for AKAMAS (local production, handicraft, tourism industry) The natural, cultural, anthropogenic (tangible and intangible) character of the Akamas Peninsula is unique for the island and it is considered as a main capital for its future development. The aim is the prosperity of the inhabitants of the Peninsula within the limits of the currying capacity of the region. Comprehensive managerial plans and measures for the protection and conservation for the terrestrial and marine sites of ecological value of the Akamas peninsula (nature protected Natura2000 sites, SCI / SPA areas) to be put in place. Promotion of the thematic axes of a sustainable development action plan for the area which should be agreed with the local communities. Implementation of relevant projects of public utility which should have synergies to the NATURA2000 objectives.
AKAMAS PENINSULA KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE For specific plans and projects (as mentioned above), environmental impact assessments should be executed where needed. Adoption and promotion of sustainable development measures, plans and projects concerning the major economic sectors of the villages-area (agro-pastoral economy, construction, services/tourism) taking into consideration existing physical planning zones. These measures and projects should have synergies with the protection and conservation aims and targets of the terrestrial and marine sites of ecological value (Natura2000 sites). Support and reinforce the socio-economic and traditional structure and cultural values of the local societies, through various actions. Enhancement of the natural and cultural values of the landscape within the taking into consideration the ecological and landscape values of the planning zones, restoration of architectural and archaeological heritage of the region 5.2. Preliminary Vision for the PLAN AREA (continued)
AKAMAS PENINSULA KEY TASKS FOR ESTABLISHMENT STAGE Networking with NATURA2000 sites, Geoparks, MAN and Biosphere Reserves, Promotion and branding of the products and services the area (domestic industry – for crafts, local production, rural development - processing of agricultural products, livestock - products processing). Promotion of nature and targeted agro tourism, local gastronomy, food products, handicrafts gastronomy Enhancing Mobility – alternative eco friendly means of transport. Mobilizing volunteerism, establishment of a voluntary network of supporters, donors and investors in the region Introduction of sustainable infrastructure design and management – solar, energy/ solar, solid waste, water resources 5.2. Preliminary Vision for the PLAN AREA (continued)
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