Verify WRF Forecast using MET Ruifang Li MMM
METv1.1 Installation /ptmp/lir/wrf/METv1.1 (bluefire) /users/lir/wrf/met/METv1.1-gnu (Linux)
MET Components
MET Tools used PB2NC Point-Stat VSDB-Analysic The PB2NC tool is used to stratify the contents of an input PrepBufr point observation file and reformat it into NetCDF format for use by the Point-Stat tool Point-Stat The Point-Stat tool provides verification statistics for forecasts at observation points, as opposed to over gridded analyses. VSDB-Analysic The VSDB-Analysis tool ties together results from the Point-Stat and Grid-Stat tools by providing summary statistical information and a way to filter their VSDB output files.
Scripts Path /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts I used some of the scripts which were wroten by our visitor Xiaqun Zhou. Thanks Xiaoqun
WRF Forcast and Obs Data Obs Data (Prebufr Format) /ptmp/liuz/t8_2008_45km/ob/2007081500 /ptmp/liuz/t8_2008_45km/ob/2007081506 . /ptmp/liuz/t8_2008_45km/ob/2007081700
WRF Forcast and Obs Data grid nudging experiment wrfout_d01_2007-08-14_12:00:00 wrfout_d01_2007-08-15_00:00:00 . wrfout_d01_2007-08-17_00:00:00 control experiment (without grid nudging)
WRF Postprocessing run_wrfpost_cyc.ksh Change WRF output in netcdf format to grib format.
Running Process . cnt_point_stat_TMP.vsdb Pb2nc.ksh point_stat_600000L_20070815_000000V.vsdb Obs in prebufr Obs in prebufr cnt_point_stat_TMP.vsdb Pb2nc.ksh point_stat_600000L_20070815_000006V.vsdb cnt_point_stat_SPFH.vsdb vsdb_analysis_point.ksh point_stat.ksh . cnt_point_stat_UGRD.vsdb cnt_point_stat_VGRD.vsdb fcst in grib cnt_point_stat_WIND.vsdb fcst in netcdf run_wrfpost _cyc.ksh point_stat_600000L_20070817_000000V.vsdb
One record in cnt_point_stat_TMP.vsdb V1.1 WRF 180000 20070815_060000 ADPSFC FULL CNT/0.050 TMP Z02 = 1221 300.77947 300.55386 301.00507 300.55137 300.93672 4.02209 3.86865 4.18829 3.85698 4.23203 297.25917 297.06136 297.45698 297.04889 297.42627 3.52660 3.39207 3.67234 3.35312 3.70185 0.77959 0.75658 0.80067 0.74965 0.79329 0.68545 0.51188 1221 717 1134 3.52030 3.37731 3.66328 3.43463 3.64954 2.54916 2.45191 2.65450 2.46988 2.66370 1.01184 1.01155 1.01228 3.70852 3.62637 3.83187 18.88538 18.48708 19.92617 6.49289 6.09545 7.08971 4.34573 4.29965 4.46379 0.19351 -0.00492 0.40473 1.81395 1.62959 1.98116 3.47373 3.37264 3.66670 5.37370 5.30947 5.54463 6.71369 6.68062 6.88146 UW_MEAN 1 Code to pick up statistic values: pick2ncl_control.f90 pick2ncl_nudge.f90 Get cnt_point_stat_TMP.txt for reading And cnt_point_stat_TMP.bin for plotting (NCL)
Final Result vi cnt_point_stat_TMP.txt 00 00 06 06 ………………………………48 48 . ADPUPA (Up air observations) RMSE number RMSE number 00 00 06 06 ………………………………48 48 P1000-1000 1.69 19. -999. -999. P925-875 0.84 52. 0.67 2. P875-825 0.75 63. 0.36 1. P725-675 0.56 93. 0.23 2. P625-575 1.16 105. 1.06 3. P525-475 0.69 83. 0.31 1. P425-375 0.67 96. 0.89 3. P325-275 0.84 89. 0.66 2. P225-175 1.31 77. 0.64 2. P125-75 4.96 224. 5.47 5.
Final Result vi cnt_point_stat_TMP.txt RMSE number RMSE number . ADPSFC (surface observations: in land) RMSE number RMSE number 00 00 06 06 ………………………………48 48 Z02 2.86 1284. 3.48 1221. 1000-1000 1.95 4. 0.03 1. P925-875 2.34 73. 5.08 73. P875-825 2.05 36. 1.98 26. P725-675 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P625-575 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P525-475 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P425-375 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P325-275 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P225-175 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P125-75 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999.
Final Result vi cnt_point_stat_TMP.txt RMSE number RMSE number . SFCSHP (surface observations: ship) RMSE number RMSE number 00 00 06 06 ………………………………48 48 Z02 1.36 148. 1.27 152. 1000-1000 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P925-875 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P875-825 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P725-675 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P625-575 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P525-475 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P425-375 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P325-275 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P225-175 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P125-75 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999.
Final Result vi cnt_point_stat_TMP.txt AIRCFT(aircraft observation) RMSE number RMSE number 00 00 12 12 ………………………………48 48 Z02 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. 1000-1000 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P925-875 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P875-825 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P725-675 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P625-575 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P525-475 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P425-375 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P325-275 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999. P225-175 -999.00 -999. 0.48 1. P125-75 -999.00 -999. -999.00 -999.
Specific Humidity
U component
V component
Appendix A The steps to run on bluefire . 1. Run wpp to change wrf output in netcdf format to grib format. /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts/run_wrfpost_cyc_control.ksh /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts/run_wrfpost_cyc_nudge.ksh 2. Run point-stat to get matched fcst and obs pairs /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts/point_stat_control.ksh /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts/point_stat_nudge.ksh 3. Run vsdb tool to get summary info of matched fcst and obs pairs /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts/vsdb_analysis_point_control.ksh /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts/vsdb_analysis_point_nudge.ksh 4. Get RMSE and BIAS info of matched fcst and obs pairs /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts/pick2ncl_control.f90 5. Plot figures /ptmp/lir/wrf_test/wrf_em/verification/nudge/scripts/plot/ .
Questions? Thanks!