WGClimate The Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate Cycle #2 ECV Inventory: update process and schedule Alexandra L. Nunes, Peter Albert, Jörg Schulz.


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Presentation transcript:

WGClimate The Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate Cycle #2 ECV Inventory: update process and schedule Alexandra L. Nunes, Peter Albert, Jörg Schulz (EUMETSAT) WGClimate The Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)

Outline 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)  Aims  Rationale  Update process  Planned schedule

Aims 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)  Capture the largest possible number of current and future CDRs responding to requirements for GCOS ECVs  May also capture data records being used in climate research and services but not qualifying (yet) as formal CDRs  Get the most accurate information concerning the data records  Ensure completeness and consistency of information provided

Rationale Lessons learnt from Cycle #1 Proposed approach for Cycle #2 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)  Unpopulated / poorly populated fields  Inconsistent / insufficient input of information  Difficult assessment for future improvements of questionnaire  Guide to the Questionnaire  Direct engagement of WGClimate members  1-to-1 interactions between ‘questioner’ and ‘responders’

Update process - Overview 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France) Preparation Contact with Agencies Engagement of WGClimate members Interaction with ‘responders’ to schedule process Collection Input of data into ECV Inventory (response to questionnaire through web interface) Verification Pre-check of contents One-to-one verification meetings Acceptance of entry into ECV Inventory

Update process – Preparation (1/2) 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)  Letters to be sent to space agencies  “Advertising” the ECV Inventory (context, aims, schedule for update process)  Referring to WGClimate member(s) of each agency as active supporting agent(s) to Cycle #2 activities  Seeking direct engagement of WGClimate members  Identification and setting-up of Points of Contact (PoCs) concerning specific CDRs within each Agency  Possible assistance of the PoCs with filling the questionnaire

Update process – Preparation (2/2) 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)  PoCs to be contacted by WGClimate Chairs through ‘Support’ at EUMETSAT to set up the data collection  Creation of a user account for time-limited access to web interface of questionnaire  Scheduling of a 2-3 weeks time window for the PoC to fill out the questionnaire - at the PoC’s convenience (doodle interface)  Scheduling of an individual (remote, in most cases) appointment between ‘Support’ and PoC, at a time subsequent to the filling of the questionnaire - at the PoCs convenience, subject to availability of ‘Support’ (doodle interface)

Update process – Collection (1/1) 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)  Web interface with questionnaire and support available to registered users (mostly PoCs)  PoCs make use of their 2-3 weeks time windows to fill out the questionnaire concerning the CDRs they’re responsible for – mostly independently, with the help of the ECV Inventory Questionnaire Guide (and the WGClimate members) – submitting their entries when ready  Note: upon submission, PoCs lose editing access to their ECV Inventory entries.

Update process – Verification (1/2) 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)  ‘Support’ pre-checks ECV Inventory entries for completeness (unanswered questions) and consistency (overall content, links) after submission by the PoC.  One-to-one meeting between ‘Support’ and PoC to be held according to schedule:  Clarification of possible doubts on entries (on either side)  Filling-in of missing information (if applicable)  Eventual corrections to inputs (as needed)  (Exceptionally, in case major changes need to be made, PoC may be given further editing access to their ECV Inventory entries – and a new 1-to-1 meeting scheduled, as needed.)

Update process – Verification (2/2) 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France)  Comments or doubts from PoC and/or ‘Support’ are appended to the ECV Inventory entry  ‘Checked’ stamp is attributed by ‘Support’ to ECV Inventory entry  Short (1-2 weeks) review window for WGClimate members and other experts supporting the gap analysis  ‘Verified’ seal is attributed by ‘Support’ to ECV Inventory entry  The contents of the ECV Inventory are now ready to be used as input to the gap analysis process.  The Cycle #2 ECV Inventory (in its preliminary state) can be made publicly available through the WGClimate website.

Planned schedule 6th Meeting of the Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate, March, Paris (France) Letters to Agencies; Identification of PoCs Interaction with PoCs: access and schedule Response to web-based questionnaire by PoCs (2-3 weeks windows)  Submission of entries by PoCs Pre-check of entries by ‘Support’  1-to-1 meetings  “Checked” (+ Comments) Final check of Inventory  ‘Verified’ WGClimate #6 Opening of Web Interface for data input window Closing of data input window Delivery of data for Gap Analysis Cycle #2 ECV Inventory publicly available MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober Preparation Collection Verification