Meghan Balling FDEP Coral Reef Conservation Program February 9, 2016
10/1/2016 Photo: Bryan Clark 2 Southeast Florida Reef Threats How the Community Has and Is Addressing those Threats What is the Our Florida Reefs Community Planning Process? What is coming out of this process? How can you make your voice heard? Overview
Threats to Coral Reefs 10/1/20163 Population =Stress Boynton Inlet Palm Beach County Haulover Outfall Miami-Dade county Lobster Mini-Season Ft. Lauderdale Ship Grounding Ft. Lauderdale Invasive Species Lionfish Marine Debris Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Marine & Beach Events Air & Sea Show, Ft. Lauderdale
10/1/20164 Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Team of people Region of focus Series of projects
SEFCRI Mission 10/1/20165 Develop and support the implementation of an effective strategy to preserve and protect SE FL’s coral reefs, emphasizing balance between resource use and protection, in cooperation with all interested parties.
10/1/20166 Our Florida Reefs March April 2016 June 2013 January & February 2016 May 2016
Recommended Management Actions (RMAs) Recommended Management Actions (RMAs) 10/1/20167 Educational Phase Drafting Phase Advisory Phase
RMA S-28 10/1/2016 Graphic: US Army Corps of Engineers 8 Flood Control Condition Support Everglades flow restoration to reduce land based sources of pollution and improve water quality in estuaries and inlet contributing areas connected to the coral reef ecosystems of southeast Florida. Historical Flow Flood Control Condition
RMA S-97 10/1/20169 Maintain lobster mini season but reduce the bag limit to six lobsters per person per day to be consistent state wide, and require the review of educational materials and completion of an educational quiz in order to receive an annual license.
RMA S-87 10/1/2016Photo: Douglas J. Long10 Modify or enhance existing regulations to increase protection for parrotfish and other important herbivores for coral ecosystem protection.
RMA N-59 10/1/2016 Photo: Shutterstock 11 Ban the practice of spearfishing on SCUBA to enable sustainable use of our Florida reefs
RMA N /1/2016Graphic: Lauren Waters12 Establish and implement a MPA zoning framework for the SEFCRI Region that includes but is not limited to no-take reserves, no anchor areas, restoration areas, and seasonal protection for spawning aggregations to enable sustainable use, reduce user conflict, and improve ecosystem condition.
DRAFT Area of Interest: Ft. Lauderdale Sunrise Blvd to Lauderdale-By-The-Sea 10/1/201613Graphic: Lauren Waters
Get Involved! 10/1/2016Photo: Ana N. Zangroniz14