WHOOPING COUGH Nasal discharge, Paroxysmal Respiratory distress, Pneumonia
Causes of whooping Bordetella Viruses: Respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Gram negative rods, non-motile, aerobic, catalase positive, oxidase positive, capsulated.
Bordetella B. pertusssis: Severe whooping B. parapertusis: Mild whooping B. bronchiseptica: Wound infections. Organism attaches to URT cilia, leading to decreased activity of Pertusssis toxin damages these cilia.
Laboratory Diagnosis of Bordetella: Nasopharyngeal secretions collected by: # Pernasal swabs # Aspiration # Cough plates. Small, cocco-bacilli, Gram negative, capsulated, non-motile.
Inoculate Bordet-Gengou medium, containing 20-30% Inoculate the selective medium charcoal cephalexin blood agar Incubate up to 6 days at 37°C in moist aerobic Charcoal medium: Colonies small, Bordet-Gengou : Colonies haemolytic and mucoid
Slide agglutination tests using specific Fluorescent antibody staining. B. pertusssis infects Man Transmission: By air-borne droplets. affecting infants and young children.
Killed vaccine, adsorbed to an adjuvant (aluminum Acellular vaccine, a purified protein of the Given as part the triple vaccine (DTP), in 3 doses. Booster doses are given at months and on entering Killed vaccine, Not recommended: cause encephalopathy. The acellular vaccine is the one to use.