Essential Question: How do you describe the properties of rotation and their effect on the congruence and orientation of figures? Rotations preserve size and shape, but change orientation
A ______________ is a transformation that ______a figure around a given point called the _________________________. The image has the same ___________ and ____________ as the preimage. The ____________________ of the shape does change. All _______, and ___________will remain ____________. rotation center of rotation sizeshape orientation congruent sides angles turns
Rotation 90° Clockwise - ____ Quadrant (Same as a 270°counterclockwise rotation) Rotation 90° Counterclockwise - _____ Quadrant (Same as a 270°clockwise rotation) Rotation 180° - _____ Quadrants (Rotation around the ____________) (Same as _______________ the shape across the origin. one one two originreflecting
Quad. 1 Quad. 2 Quad. 3 Quad. 4
RotationRule to ApplyCoordinate Ex.ChangeNew Image Coordinate 90° ClockwiseMultiply all ___________ by -1, then switch the x and y terms to create new coordinate A (4,7) A ((4)(-1), 7) A’(7, -4) 90° Counter Clockwise Multiply all ___________ by -1, then switch the x and y terms to create new coordinate B (0,-3) B (0,(-3)(-1)) B’ (3,0) 180° RotationMultiply ___________ by -1; No Switching of Coordinates C (-3,7) C ((-3)(-1), (7)(-1)) C’ (3,-7) X-coordinates y-coordinates Both coordinates