Our trip to Rosemoor Thursday 4 th July 2013
We looked at the work of three artists called William Morris, Gaudi and Escher who all use patterns in their work.
Next we went for a walk in the gardens where we chose motifs we could use later in our patterns e.g. petals and leaves. We also got to look at the parts of plants which we have been learning about.
Using what we found in the garden we began to create our own repeating patterns.
Everyone enjoyed eating their lunch outside and playing in the cob hut.
After lunch we enjoyed using our invertebrate collecting tool to find mini beasts in the woodlands.
Later in the afternoon we spent some time pond dipping where we found fish, water snail, damsel flies and other invertebrates.
Everybody enjoyed exploring Rosemoor and had a fantastic day out. John, our teacher at Rosemoor, was impressed by the children’s knowledge of plants and insects. He said the children had great vocabulary and he enjoyed their enthusiasm in sharing what they already knew with him. One child even informed him that “millipedes are from the myripod group” which he said no child had ever told him that before! Ms Hayles and Mrs Robinson are very proud of the children.