Chapter 29 Section B Europe Plunges into War The Alliance System Collapses Two Rival Camps 1.Triple Entente: Great Britain, France and Russia 2.Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
Triple Entente & Triple Alliance
Europe Plunges into War A Chain Reaction 1.August 1, 1914, Germany declares war on Russia 2.August 3, 1914, Germany declares war on France
Europe Plunges into War The Schliffen Plan 1.In the event of a two-front war, General Alfred Graf Von Schliffen recommended attacking France then Russia 2.Von Schliffen felt Russia (with few railroads) would be slower to mobilize 3.Speed was the key to the German plan 4.Germany would attack through neutral Belgium 5.Germany’s attack through Belgium brings Britain in to the war on August 4, 1914
Von Schliffen Plan
Europe Plunges into War European Nations Take Sides 1.Central Powers = Austria-Hungary and Germany 2.Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire would later join the Central Powers 3.Allied Powers = Great Britain, France and Russia 4.Japan would join the Allies within weeks and Italy would switch sides to fight for the Allies
Europe Plunges into War A Bloody Stalemate Along the Western Front The Conflict Grinds to a Halt 1.Western Front – Area in northern France where a deadlock develops 2.The First Battle of the Marne was perhaps the single most important event of the war, because it stopped the Schliffen Plan
First Battle of the Marne
Europe Plunges into War War in the Trenches 1.The stalemate brings on trench warfare 2. Space between the trenches was called, “no man’s land.” 3.New weapons of war: poison gas, machine gun, tank, airplane and submarine
No Man’s Land
Europe Plunges into War The Battle on the Eastern Front Central Powers Gain the Advantage 1.Germany crushes Russian opposition 2.Russia at first was successful against Austria- Hungary until Germany aided them
Battle of Tannenburg
Europe Plunges into War Russia’s War Effort Weakens 1.Because Russia had not industrialized, it was on the verge of collapse 2.Allies were unable to ship supplies to Russia because of German and Turkish blockades 3.The Russian armies only asset were its number of men 4.The war would be world wide
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