Welcome to Life Science Mrs. Vaughn Make sure you sign in at the back table.
Class Materials This year you will need the following items with in class everyday: one inch three ring binder with pockets Spiral notebook dividers Loose-leaf paper Pencil Pen
Wish List Sanitizer Tissue paper Disinfecting Wipes
Course Outline Structure and Function of Cells Organization of Life Heredity-Genetics Evidence of Evolution Interdependence of Life: Ecology Energy flow & Nutrient of Cycling
Lab Information Biweekly Some of these projects will involve food. If your child has a food allergy, please make me aware so that substitutions can be made. I may ask for volunteers to bring in items to complete projects/labs. This will be done voluntarily, and if your child is not to volunteer, please make them aware of this.
Absences If you miss class you must check the “Missing Work” folder upon returning. It is your responsibility to get all missed work and make it up within the time allowed. You have the same number of days to make up your as the number of days you were absent.
Class Rules ALWAYS show respect. –Do not write on anything except paper. –Keep your hands to yourself. –Do not use harsh words or call names. –Do not do anything that will cause you embarrassment. (show self- respect)
Class Rules Be Prepared, for class by having your supplies, and a positive attitude. Be prepared for class. –Have all class supplies on your desk ready for class. Sharpened pencil Science notebook, warm-up spiral notebook
Consequences Warning Lose one stamp (1 st infraction report) Lose two stamps, parental contact (2 nd infraction report) Silent lunch, parent contact (3 rd infraction report) Teacher discretion or office referral (4 th infraction report)
Daily Science/Homework Each day science class will begin with a Science Warm-up question. Warm-ups will be checked on a weekly basis for a Progress Monitoring grade. Class Work/Homework- Very little homework will ever be assigned. Class work that is not finished in the time given can become homework.
Grading Breakdown of grade: –100 point scale reporting 80% Standards Mastery 20% Formative Assessments –Scoring terminology mirrors Georgia Milestones Assessment 1=Beginning Learner 2=Developing Learner 3=Proficient Learner 4=Distinguished Learner
Reassessments –Reassessment option Minimum of one Then teacher discretion Reassessment will be the higher of the two scores All grades will be updated weekly. Parents/guardians and students will have access to view grades online in PowerSchool. ***If student fails assessment, parent/guardian will be automatically notified via an automated phone message (text, , call) per Powerschool information.
Information Sheets/Resources Parent Contact Lab Contract evaughn/