Road Safety 6 th form Автор: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 93 Форофонтова Марина Владимировна Номинация: «Электронные ресурсы для обучения детей Правилам дорожного движения»
There are different kinds of city transport in Russia. What are they?
From the history of car industry in Russia. The first Russian car was «Panar-Levassor» (from France), which was brought to Russia in 1891 by V.Navrotsky. In 1896 in St.Petersburgh the first Russian car was designed by E. Yakovlev. There were no traffic rules and signs in Russia and a boy was running before the car warning the people.
The first road signs were adopted in the world in In the USSR they appeared in December 1927.
Traffic Signs Help To Avoid Crush. Second thoughts are the best. Поспешишь - людей насмешишь.
Knowledge is Power. Знание – сила. To be a wise and happy man Learn what you cannot or can. The road rules best helpers are. Without them you cannot ride a car. And also learn the traffic signs, Which show you way in both sides. Remember!The life is given once! Learn how to be safe and never miss a chance!
Revise…..-повторить 1.Revise the traffic signs, new words. Learn facts about…..-узнать 2.Learn new facts about road rules in Russia. Be ready to work…. 3. Be ready to work in a team doing tasks on the topic: dscriptions, exercises, a crossword, a rebus. Grammar material… 4. Train modal verbs – can, can’t The tasks of the lesson :
Find Out the Suitable Sign in Your List! GO DOWN THE STAIRS! YOU MAY CROSS HERE!
Find Out the Suitable Sign in Your List! STOP! THE ROAD IS REPAIRED ! DON’T TURN RIGHT!
Find Out the Suitable Sign in Your List! DON’T WALK HERE! DON’T TURN LEFT!
Choose can/can’t can’t You … there. can’t You …… walk your dog here.
Choose can/can’t can You …. park here. can’t You …. go roller skates.
Choose can/can’t can You …. go by bike here. can’t You …… go here.
Fill can / can’t 1.Look at the traffic lights. The light is RED. You ….. cross the road yet. 2.The traffic is heavy. You….use only the door on the pavement side to get out of the car. 3.When you ride your bike in daytime you ….. wear bright clothes. can’t can
Fill can / can’t 4.Watch out! You …turn left. It’s forbidden! 5.You …cross the road at zebra crossing. 6.A pedestrian …walk along the pavement. 7.You ….park there. There is no place for your car. can’t can can’t
Match the Columns and Write a Poem! For the drivers the light is GREEN means… And you, pedestrians, should wait A danger for cars and people means the RED light The light turns yellow and that’s the sign until the cars their ways are made. to ride a car along the road free either to stop and wait or cross the road side Stop! Be careful or in a crush you might!
Remember! Forewarned is Forearmed! Предупрежден - вооружен! For the drivers the light is GREEN Means to ride a car along the road free. And you, pedestrians, should wait Until the cars their ways are made. A danger for all cars & people means the RED light. Stop! Be careful or in a crash you might! The light turns YELLOW and that’s the sign Either to stop and wait or cross the road side!
Do the Crossword! Remember the road rules! 12 1N 2L 4 3R T 5B 6H 7A 8989 H S 10S 11 R 1.Don’t …..onto the road. 2.Don’t ….out of the window. 3.Don’t talk to the… Wear a seat…when you are in a car. 5.When you ride your bike check your…. regularly. 6.Cross the road when the …light shows. 7.Don’t cross between…cars. 8.Look…. ways when crossing the road. 9.Don’t …. other passengers when you enter the bus. 10.Use bike….. 11.Don’t cross the ….when the light is red. 12.Synonym of the word «tube». It’s a popular kind of transport both in Moscow and in London.
The more haste, the less speed. Тише едешь, дальше будешь. 12 1R U N 2LEA N 3 D RIVER 4B E LT 5B R AKES 6LI G HT 7PA R KED 8B O TH 9P U SH 10LA N ES 11ROA D
Underground-the fastest and the most popular kind of transport. London tube was designed by M.Brunel in 1818 but it was opened in 1863.Now it has 270 stations. Moscow underground was designed in 1901 by A.Antonovich but opened in May 1935.
Air Underground in Voronezh. It’ll appear in 2020 and will include 4 lines, which will connect all parts of the city.
Live and learn. Век живи, век учись. on fi h n n
What signs are there near our school? What do they mean? Zebra Crossing Stop! Children!
It’s interesting to know! Lollipop Ladies in the UK help the schoolchildren to cross the road in front of the school.
Which team will be the fastest? Use the phrases, describing your way! -turn right -turn left -go straight -go down -go along Holzynova St.(Lizykhova St.) -go towards -cross -stop at the traffic lights -take №….bus
I wish you all to be healthy and safe! Forewarned is Forearmed. Предупрежден - вооружен. Thanks a lot for active and good work at the lesson!