Welcome to English I Mrs. Smith Boswell HS Room L208
Let’s Get Started… Locate one item with you- or on you- that BEST represents who you are. This can be in your backpack, lunch box, in your hair, your nail polish… You have 2 minutes after the bell rings. Share your item with your table and be prepared to share aloud.
About Mrs. Smith 1.I love dachshunds! I have a male named Rider, and a female named Ellie. People say I’m slightly obsessed ;-) 2.I have a twenty-month-old daughter named Sadie. She is the love of my life. I love my husband, too. 3.Reading, writing/journaling, and doodling are fun pastimes for me. Yes-reading and writing for fun. 4.This is my second year at Boswell, but my seventh year teaching English. I also teach debate. I love what I teach, and I am very passionate about learning anything new. 5.If you met a previous student of mine, he or she would say, “Mrs. Smith has strict expectations, but she cares about her students and has a funny personality.” I like to have fun and joke around, but business comes first.
Classroom Rules 1)Show self-control and respect for others. 2)Have all of your materials daily, and your writing utensils ready before the start bell. 3)Be in your seat at the start and end of class. 4)No food or drink in this classroom. 5)Electronic devices should be silent and in a zipped compartment. They are to be used for lessons only and with permission first. *ALWAYS BE PREPARED! THERE ARE NO BATHROOM OR LOCKER PASSES!*
Consequences 1)Verbal warning 2)Move seats and phone call home 3)Sent to office with referral 4)Parent conference Severe disruptions = Immediate referral & office visit You will make the phone call home for any failing grades at Progress Reports or Report Card time, along with any behavior issues.
Classroom Procedures Enter the room quietly and get your supplies. Immediately begin on Warm-Up assignment or Mini-Lesson. It will be posted daily on the front white board. Raise your hand to speak or ask a question during class. Walk to the trash can to discard trash (do not aim and throw please). Put a heading on all submitted classwork (-10 points for no heading). Use pencil or blue or black pen- no colored pencils, markers, or fashion colored ink. Class participation is encouraged (formative grades are given for dialogue and group work).
What Supplies Do I Need? Keep the following in the classroom: 1.) ELA and Writer’s Notebook: ½ inch binder 2.) 1 package of wide-ruled notebook paper to keep in your folder 3.) Dividers (5) to divide sections Have the following with you everyday: Pencil or pen (blue or black ink only for submitted assignments) Your working brain and willingness to try!
Homework & Notebook Checks You can expect occasional homework. This includes outside reading, writing, projects, and assignments unfinished in class. You will have random notebook checks to ensure you are keeping up with your notes and daily materials (warm-ups, handouts, etc.). This should be an easy 100 as long as you organize your material properly. You will have 2 or 3 checks during each Six Weeks period.
What If I’m Absent? It is the responsibility of the student to inquire about missed assignments, tests, or daily work due to absences. Feel free to me! I WILL NOT ASK YOU FOR YOUR MISSED WORK- THE “F.Y.I.” BOARD LISTS MISSED ASSIGNMENTS FROM THE WEEK, AND THE POCKET HOLDS DAILY ASSIGNMENTS.I WILL NOT ASK YOU FOR YOUR MISSED WORK- THE “F.Y.I.” BOARD LISTS MISSED ASSIGNMENTS FROM THE WEEK, AND THE POCKET HOLDS DAILY ASSIGNMENTS. Missing work is given to absent students, not students in class who elect not to do the assignment. That is a discipline issue, and you will not be given a re-do opportunity. You are allowed one day to make-up daily assignments for each day missed in class. This is not if you choose not to work. Please have a parent note or phone call for emergency or special circumstances.
What Will We Do This Year?
Remember… Tutorials are available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 8:15-8:45. Please check with me for additional times, or if you need another English teacher to assist you. Please visit with me about anything going on with you that may (or may not) affect your English classroom experience. I’m here for you! Feel free to me if you could not talk to me in class. Mrs. Smith’s Golden Rule: “ Having self-control means knowing you can, but choosing not to.”
Just to get your brain started… Discuss the following questions at your table. “Neither” is not an answer. Please explain your choice to the table and be able to justify why. Would you rather tear the wings off of a butterfly or step on a cockroach? Would you rather never be able to laugh again or never be able to use your smartphone?