P ROMISING P RACTICES IN D ASHBOARD D ESIGN & U SE D ASHBOARD A PRIL 6, 2016 Phone lines are muted to minimize background noise. 1
W EBINAR A GENDA Welcome Introduction to Webinar Series Dashboards Discussion with Our Panelists 2
What is the “Promising Practices in Program Management and Data Use” webinar series? Part of the NRS project’s ongoing effort to help states and programs improve their use of data for program improvement Each webinar centers on a specific strategy using data for program improvement. Hear from those who have successfully implemented the strategy Find out what they have done What the data says 3
O UR P ANELISTS John Davey Los Angeles Unified School District (310) David Hollender American Institutes for Research (202)
W HAT I S A D ASHBOARD ? Storyboard to help understand impact or operations of a program. What They Report Out comes Process Key Characteristics Purpose-Driven Concise Intuitive Insight-Rich 5
Adult Education State Dashboard Screenshot of sample dashboard 6
W HY U SE D ASHBOARDS ? Provide insight to bridge the gap between strategy and execution. 7
I MPACT OF D ATA -D RIVEN D ECISION M AKING Los Angeles Unified School District Division of Adult and Career Education 19% INCREASE IN COURSE COMPLETER RATES 8% increase in the first year of KPI focus 8
B UILDING A D ASHBOARD 1. Goal 2. Key Questions 3. Supporting Questions & Measures 4. Identify Metrics 5. Build Dashboard 6. Use Dashboard 9
B UILDING A D ASHBOARD B UILDING A D ASHBOARD Continued 1 Goal Increase Postsecondary Entry Rates Key Questions Are students well enough prepared for GED? Are students enrolling in postsecondary after GED? Supporting Questions & Measures At what rate are students passing/failing the GED? In what content areas are GED students failing? How much help are passing students getting vs failing ones? How much information about postsec do GED passers have? 10
B UILDING A D ASHBOARD B UILDING A D ASHBOARD Continued 2 Identify Metrics GED pass rate Average posttest scores by subject (passers & failers) Contact hours before taking GED (passers & failers) Response to questions during post-exit followup. Build Dashboard Create visualizations to present key metrics (KPIs) Organize dashboard to tell the story Emphasize readability & usability Use Dashboard Integrate into work process 11
What would you want a dashboard to help YOU do? Please type your response into the chat pod. 13
P OTENTIAL C HALLENGES Who needs the dashboard? What do they need to know? Identifying metrics that truly tell the story Impactful layout and visualizations Getting and Updating data Implementing data-driven decision making 14
C RITICAL S UCCESS F ACTORS C ONCEPTUAL Organizational Readiness Know why you want a dashboard Know who will benefit (decision-making) How will you use your dashboard? Process Make it Part of the Culture 15
C RITICAL S UCCESS F ACTORS M ECHANICS Organizational Readiness Key questions & metrics Proper (balanced) KPI’s Leading versus lagging indicators Eliminate noise Actionable Trustworthy data Alignment between IT and administration Must be accessible 16
Thank You! Please join us for the next webinar. 18