SNAP/IS Webinar June 10, 2016 Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire Progress in the implementation of the SNAP/IS (Côte d’Ivoire) By Ange-Benjamin Brida (CCAC National Coordinator)
Overview of the SNAP/IS Côte d’Ivoire SNAP/IS kick-off Workshop October 06, 2015 (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire) To sustainably increase the level of action taken in Côte d’Ivoire to reduce SLCPs by further promoting the coordination and the scaling-up of activities to reduce SLCPs at the national level Timeframe : Implementing agency : Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MINEDD) through Ivorian Anti-Pollution Centre (CIAPOL) Inception: October, 2015
SNAP/IS Workpages in Côte d’Ivoire WP 1: Setting up coordination structureWP 2: Engaging key stakeholdersWP 3: SLCPs Assessment and co-benefitsWP 4: SLCP mitigation actions and national planningWP 5: Participation in CCAC activities and initiativesWP 6: Monitoring and Evaluation
Institutional setting for coordination of actions on SLCPs in Côte d’Ivoire
Progress of implementing activities WP 1Status Activity 1 Set up and manage an effective coordination structure that promotes attention on SLCPs and provides a sustainable increase in institutional capacities to promote SLCP mitigation March 2014: Ministerial Order (Arrêté) establishing the National Coordination on Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Coordination includes: Advisory Group (Comité National) SLCPs Unit (Cellule de Mise en Œuvre) High level official were identified Chief of staff: Chair of Advisory Group General Director: CCAC focal point Hold three (3) Advisory Group Meeting since the beginning of the SNAP/IS: Provide guidance; Support activities; Review the workplan; SLCP Unit established at the CIAPOL Cross-departmental task- force formed (?)
Progress of implementing activities WP 2Status Activity 2. Activity 2: Engage key national stakeholders in SLCP mitigation Key stakeholder group involved in the Advisory Group and Task Force; CCAC part of Technical Operation Committee of AQMP for the City of Abidjan (to be lunched with the support of AfDB, UNIDO, and GEF); Working closely with the DQEPR on the low-sulfur fuel project on Ivorian Refinery (SIR) supported by CCAC; Working on positioning CCAC within the secretariat on the Inter-ministerial Committee on Climate Change which is in the process of being established Agreed on sharing resources with the AQMP (UNIDO, GEF, AfDB; Exploring further coordination other important processes such as: LEDS Africa; Cookstoves Alliance GMI; SNAP/IS kick-off Workshop October 06, 2015 (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire)
Progress of implementing activities WP 3Status Activity 3. Undertake a national SLCP assessment and priority setting exercise and achieve endorsement of recommendations at a high political level Two (2) studies on municipal solid waste were completed by GEVALOR with the support of CCAC MSWI; Attended Regional LEAP-IBC training in Accra Updating data collection template (LEAP-IBC Template Côte d’Ivoire) Completed draft ToR for the recruitment of consultants Established registry on SCLPs and Air Quality related projects Supporting development of low-sulfur fuel strategy
Progress of implementing activities WP 4, 5 & 6Status Activity 4. Promote financing, mainstreaming and implementation of SLCP mitigation measures Côte d’Ivoire’s INDC mentioned reduction of SLCPs emissions Planning to includes specific actions with the first NDC submission in relation to the SLCPs NAP Document. Plans to include SCLP accounting into the national GHG inventory. Build strong strategy based on Environment & Health Activity 5. Foster participation in CCAC activities/initiatives and other international initiatives and fora Côte d’Ivoire is member CCAC Steering Committee and his regularly attending High Level Assembly and Working Group meetings. Côte d’Ivoire is active in three (3) CCAC initiative and is planning to at least double its participation and be a lead partner for at least one (1) initiative. Activity 6. Monitoring & Evaluation Plan Planning to recruit a Senior Consultant to elaborate a SLCP M&E plan for the country
Challenges for SNAP/IS SLCPs mitigation Lack of clear and strong institutional environment (e.g. project based approach used in the past; political instability, etc.) Lack of data and evidences (e.g. on the impacts of air pollutants on climate, health and agriculture) to engage decision makers and stakeholders; Low level of awareness on air pollution issues across the country; Low level of enforcement of the legislation in place of air pollution (no specific law on SLCPs); Need to raise up bold political willingness to act on air pollution in general and SLCPs in particular in the context of highly attractive cost fossil energy sources such as coal.
Implementation of the Paris Agreement: National road map adopted; CCAC as key player on Paris Agreement Workstream2 (pré-2020 actions); UNFCCC process Building synergies: CCAC/LEDS-Africa platform (Côte d’Ivoire is Chairing, beneficiary of a support from EU); UNIDO-GEF-AfDB on Air Quality project in Côte d’Ivoire; Key Policy Documents: National Planning Document on SLCPs; Communications strategy; Resources mobilisation strategy; Nationally Determined Commitments (NDC) Priority sectors: Diesel and Transport; Health; Waste and Urban Planning; Endorsement at the high level of the SLCPs national planning document: Ministerial, Government and Parliament Important processes and entry points at national level
Better planning and coordination of actions on SLCPs as well as GHG mitigation is key (full mitigation approach; Workstream 2 of Paris ); Improvement of knowledge base on SLCPs impacts on heath, agriculture and climate; Address burning issues: data requirement for SLCPs mitigation, (collection, analysis, archiving); Institutional arrangement is the basis for success Closing remarks
Thank | Ange-Benjamin Brida National SLCPs and CCAC related activities coordinator Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Centre Ivoirien Anti-Pollution (CIAPOL) Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire