Asher Palmer
Our State: Illinois Our Group: Andrew Palmer Samantha Palmer Henry Palmer Elizabeth Palmer Ryan Palmer
The birth rate is calculated by taking the total number of births and dividing it by the total population then multiply by 1000 to show per 1000 people.
Total number of births 176,634 Total Population 12,901,563 Then multiply by 1000 = 13.69
There are births per minute in Illinois. There are births per second in Illinois
The mortality rate is calculated by taking the total number of deaths and dividing by the total population then multiply by 1000 to show the amount per 1000 people.
Total number of deaths 100,254 Total Population 12,901,563 Then multiply by 1000 = 13.69
There are deaths per minute in Illinois. There are deaths per second in Illinois.
Income per capita is calculated by taking the total amount of income and dividing by the total population.
Total amount of income $556,818,557,517 Total Population 12,901,563 The Income per capita is $43,159
Homes sold is the amount of homes sold during a year period. Some people use this as a short-term indicator to show how much of the population is leaving. The amount of homes sold between June 2009 and June 2010 is 13,072.
There are homes sold every minute in Illinois. There are homes sold every second in Illinois.
Homes bought is the amount of homes sold during a year period. Some people use this as a short-term indicator to show how much of the population is entering. This data could not be found.
The employment rate is the number of people who are employed divided by the amount of the labor force. Then you multiply by 100 to show as a percent.
Amount of people employed 5,934,396 Amount of labor force 6,567,400 The rate is: X 100 = 90.36%
The unemployment rate is the number of people who are unemployed divided by the amount of the labor force - the opposite of the employment rate. Then you multiply by 100 to show as a percent.
Amount of people unemployed 633,004 Amount of labor force 6,567,400 The rate is: X 100 = 9.6%
The crime rate is the amount of total crimes divided by the total population then multiply by 1000 to show per 1000 people.
Total amount of crimes 417,532 Total amount of population 12,901,563 The rate is: X 100= 3.2%
There are crimes committed every minute in Illinois. There are crimes committed every second in Illinois.
The murder rate is the amount of total crimes divided by the total population then multiply by 1000 to show per 1000 people.
Total amount of murders 773 Total amount of population 12,901,563 The rate is: X 100= %
There are murders committed every minute in Illinois. There are murders committed every second in Illinois.
Illinois Crime Rates Illinois Association of REALTORS Local Area Unemployment Statistics: LAUS Illinois Department of Public Health Bureau of Economic Analysis Images from: