Regional Project Steering Committee Meeting October 6 th, 2008 Status Report
GEF-IWCAM Background Funding: Global Environment Facility (GEF) Project Cost: US$112M (includes co-financing) GEF Funding US$14M Implementing Agencies: UNEP & UNDP Executing Agencies: CEHI, UNEP CAR/RCU, and UNOPS Project Coordination Unit: based at CEHI
GEF-IWCAM Background PROJECT OBJECTIVE To assist Caribbean Small Island Developing States to adopt an integrated approach to watershed and coastal area management.
GEF-IWCAM Project Components Implementation and management of 9 demonstration projects in 8 countries Capture of lessons, best practices, alternative technologies from Demonstration Projects Development of national, regional and global replication strategies and mechanisms Component 1: Demonstration, Capture, and Transfer of Best Practices
GEF-IWCAM Project Components Review existing national and regional level indicator frameworks Development of template for national level Indicators Conduct hotspot diagnostic analyses (HSDA) at (non-demo) hotspots in each country Component 2: Development of IWCAM Process, Stress Reduction, and Environmental Status Indicators Framework
GEF-IWCAM Project Components Establish Regional centre for storage of Indicator information and for Indicator training Pilot IWCAM process, stress reduction and environmental status indicators (1 country) Component 2 (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Project Components Review of national policy, legislation and institutional structures identifying barriers to IWCAM A set of regional guidelines for national policy, legislative and institutional reform Regional programme for amendment of national legislation and policy IWRM Plan development Component 3: Policy, Legislative and Institutional Reform for IWCAM
GEF-IWCAM Project Components National workshops on awareness and multi- sectoral sensitisation to IWCAM issues Stakeholder involvement in regional IWCAM Training and education activities Component 4: Regional and National Capacity Building and Sustainability for IWCAM
GEF-IWCAM Project Components A regional strategy for the sustainable promotion and implementation of IWCAM Project Networking A regional IWCAM Information Clearing House Component 4 (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Project Components Project Management (by Project Coordination Unit) Project Steering Committee (to provide policy level guidance) National Inter-sectoral Committees (to capture IWCAM concepts) Implementing Agency/Executing Agency Management Group Component 5: Project Management and Coordination
GEF-IWCAM Project Components Regional Technical Advisory Group Project Reporting on activities and outputs, and reviews of project work-plan and budget Project Evaluation ensures that indicators are measuring sustainable project success Develop an Information Management System for the project Component 5 (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Project Components Status Updates
GEF-IWCAM Status Developed since 1998! Block-B Phase began in 2000 Demonstration Projects developed in 2003 Approved by GEF Council in May 2004 Project documents finalised by UNDP & UNEP in 2005 PCU established in 2006; staff hired Steering Committees, June ’06, Oct ’07 & Oct ’08 RTAG, July ’07 & June ‘08
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Hotspot concepts for Haiti & Barbados being developed Site visits facilitated to demo projects (Dom. Rep; Jamaica; Antigua; Bahamas; Cuba) Demo projects trained in communications and indicators Linkages strengthened with IABIN, OPAAL, Pacific projects Website being upgraded Component 1: Demonstration, Capture, and Transfer of Best Practices
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Demo site visit, Dominican Republic
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Demo site visit, Jamaica
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Demo site visit, Bahamas
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Demo site visit, Cuba
Demo Project Milestones GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
Demo Project Payment Status GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued) Demo Project Expenditure Status
What should the Project Steering Committee and Executing and Implementing Agencies do regarding Demonstration Projects that are “at risk”? Provide additional support? What type? Set deadlines or milestones required to avoid cancellation? Reduce or reallocate funds? Reduce activities, goals, and objectives? GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
Antigua and Barbuda - Suggested Milestones Baseline indicators established 01 December 2008 Wastewater management strategy completed and presented to Cabinet 01 March 2009 Construction of Street Level Wastewater management demo completed 15 March 2009 End Date: November 2009 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
Bahamas (Andros) - Suggested Milestones Contract issued to TNC and first payment made 01 November 2008 Draft Water Conservation Strategy Completed 15 January 2009 Initiate Construction of Applicable Technology 15 March 2009 End Date: January 2011 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
Bahamas (Exuma) - Suggested Milestones Contract issued to CWC and first payment made 01 November 2008 Sewage treatment design completed and construction initiated 01 February 2009 Mooring System deployed 15 March 2009 End Date: January 2011 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
Cuba - Suggested Milestones Implementation of water quality monitoring programme 15 December 2008 Design of main component of sugar mill pilot activity re: water reuse 15 December 2008 Design and construction of 4 demo areas for best forest practices 15 June 2009 End Date: June 2011 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
Dominican Republic - Suggested Milestones 1 st Official Meeting of the Council for Management & Development of the Lower Haina Watershed 28 November 2008 Indicators Baseline Established 15 January 2009 Draft Legislative / Policy Revision Prepared 15 February 2009 End Date: November 2010 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Suggested Milestones Signing of contract for consultancy work for the Basseterre Valley Water Resources and Liamigua National Park management plans 15 November 2008 First public stakeholder consultation session for proposed Liamigua National Park 15 April 2009 Submittal of draft reports for the Basseterre Valley Water Resources and Liamigua National Park management plans 30 June 2009 Formal designation of the Liamigua National Park 30 January 2010 End Date: November 2009 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: Indicators template prepared, reviewed by countries and finalized Regional Indicators workshop combined with IABIN Baseline indicators prepared for most Demos and incorporated into project reports Indicator training for Trinidad & Tobago gov’t Component 2: Review of existing national and regional level indicator frameworks underway
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: Collaboration with FAO, BWA, CZMU, and EPD regarding centralized indicators database in Barbados underway PIMS under development; will incorporate Clearinghouse for indicators Informal Working Group on indicators proposed but not active Component 2: Review of existing national and regional level indicator frameworks underway (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Indicators Workshop, Jamaica
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: RTAG debated need for new HSDAs; felt that existing Hotspots should be targeted for specific and relevant interventions Consideration of utilizing GIS assessments and tools to highlight risks to watersheds and programming for on-the-ground interventions Component 2: Conduct HSDA at (non-demo) hotspots in each country
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: Consultants completed review of legislation, policy & institutional structures and prepared Policy / Legislative / Institutional Toolkit. Toolkit includes models to assist countries in drafting legislation specific to LBS Protocol. LBS Protocol featured prominently in the assessment and formed basis for the Toolkit. Component 3: Review of national policy, legislation and institutional structures underway, identifying barriers to IWCAM
GEF-IWCAM Component #3 Status Status: Regional workshop convened in Nov ’07 (included representatives from AG’s Chambers) and participating countries reviewed Toolkit. Toolkit finalized and made available to countries. Component 3: Review of national policy, legislation and institutional structures underway, identifying barriers to IWCAM (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Legal Workshop, Bahamas
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: IWRM Informal Working Group met in Oct ’07 and communicates via Grenada prepared National Water Policy, based on Situation Analysis and Road Map Students on Union Island received training and provided with WQ Monitoring equipment Estimates procured for specific IWRM interventions in Grenada and Saint Vincent & the Grenadines related to catchment rehabilitation. Component 3: IWRM Plan Development
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: Training in Community-Based Resource Assessment conducted in Dominica and WQ Monitoring equipment provided Additional Inception Workshops held in Antigua, Dominica, Barbados and St. Lucia; planned for DR, SKN and others Training in IWRM conducted by/through CEHI & Caribbean WaterNet Component 3: IWRM Plan Development (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Community-based Resource Assessment, DOM
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 IWRM Inception Workshop, Antigua
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 IWRM Inception Workshop, St. Lucia
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: Regional training workshops on Outreach, Communications & Indicators convened IWCAM presented at regional and international fora (GEF; LBS; CWWA; Global Oceans; CEF- 4) National Focal Points/Country representatives exposed to new technology, e.g. CWWA; CEF- 4; URISA (GIS) Component 4: Regional & National Capacity Building & Sustainability for IWCAM
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: ‘Caribbean WaterWays’ Newsletters published quarterly; posters, video shorts and monthly bulletins produced Communications and Education Strategy reviewed by countries; Communications Plans developed by Demo projects Stakeholder participation evaluation developed and reviewed (checklist) Component 4: Regional & National Capacity Building & Sustainability for IWCAM (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: Project Networking with other projects (e.g. OPAAL, PERB, IABIN, Pacific) PIMS initiated; inventory of projects completed New website designed; being populated; launch 4 th Quarter of 2008 Component 4: Regional & National Capacity Building & Sustainability (continued)
New GEF-IWCAM website:
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 High-level Outreach
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 High-level Outreach
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: Technical Cooperation facilitated (Cuba/Antigua; SLU/JAM) Regional GIS training facilitated by resource persons from participating countries (TCC) Teleconferences convened among IAs, EAs and PCU; skype used to communicate with participating countries and other partners DVDs and posters produced to communicate IWCAM messages; Press Launch used to promote DVD; DVD widely distributed Component 4: Regional & National Capacity Building & Sustainability for IWCAM (continued)
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Technical Cooperation Among Countries
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Technical Cooperation Among Countries
GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status: Project Steering Committee convened in 2006, 2007 & 2008 (Oct.) National Inter-sectoral Committees being established Regional Technical Advisory Group meetings in 2007 & 2008 Quarterly Operating Reports and 6 monthly Reports received from Demos; Annual PIRs prepared for 2006/07 & 2007/08 Project work-plan drafted for 2009 Component 5: Project Management and Coordination
GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 RTAG Meeting, June 2008
GEF-IWCAM Component #5 Status Sub-Project prepared for CEHI to facilitate project management Delays affected lab capacity building activities; assessments conducted in ANU, CUB, SLU, JAM, T&T to date Regional event schedules coordinated: Indicators Workshop (with IABIN) PSC-2/CWWA (also PSC-3 with CWWA 2008) RTAG/CEF-4 Component 5: Project Management and Coordination (continued)
Vincent Sweeney GEF-IWCAM Regional Project Coordinator THANK YOU!
Antigua and Barbuda: Mitigation of Groundwater and Coastal Impacts from Sewage Discharges from St. John’s Bahamas: Land and Sea Use Planning for Water Recharge Protection and Management in Andros Bahamas: Marina Waste Management at Elizabeth Harbour in Exuma Cuba: Application of IWCAM Concepts at Cienfuegos Bay and Watershed Dominican Republic: Mitigation of Impacts of Industrial Wastes on the Lower Haina River Basin and its Coast GEF-IWCAM Project Components Component 1 (continued):
Jamaica: An Integrated Approach to Managing the Marine, Coastal and Watershed Resources of East-Central Portland Saint Kitts and Nevis: Rehabilitation and Management of the Basseterre Valley as a Protection Measure for the Underlying Aquifer Saint Lucia: Protecting and Valuing Watershed Services and Developing Management Incentives in the Fond D'or Watershed Area Trinidad and Tobago: Land-Use Planning and Watershed Restoration as part of a Focused IWCAM Demonstration in the Courland Watershed and Buccoo Reef Area GEF-IWCAM Project Components Component 1 (continued):