The Sky Carrier
Name of product SKY CARRIER
What our product does Our product can carry heavy and light objects. It will expand when the pile is very tall and there is a force field on the sides and top. It will follow you at any speed too. You can tell it what to do. It can talk properly like people.
Slogan Our slogan is ‘’Just do it, Just sky carry it.’’
Product’s Cost We will sell our product for 50 dollar because there was nothing like this before and it has many amazing features.
What Our Product Improved We improved carts and baskets. We improved them by making our fly expand, and have a force field on the sides and top.
Something other products can’t do It can expand without having anything added. It is smart so it can go fly to it’s charger without being told.
How It HELPS Our invention helps people by letting them buy thing and not carry anything. They don’t have to push, pull, or life anything. This is how our product helps people.
Why to Invest in Our Product People should invest our product because it helps a lot for carrying heavy things. People don’t have to tell it what to do. It will follow It’s owner at any speed.