Garden City, KS February 3, :00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Welcome & Introductions Walt Way, Coordinating Council Chair Michele Abbott, Operations Committee Chair Phill Ryan, Coordinating Council Member Dick Heitschmidt, Coordinating Council Member Scott Ekberg, 911 Liaison
How do I stay up to date on the progress of NG- 911 in Kansas?
GIS Data – Why is it important? E-911 utilizes GIS data to show the location of a caller once the call is delivered. Failure of GIS data is not critical to response to the call (usually). NG-911 utilizes GIS data to deliver the call to the correct PSAP. Failure of GIS data means you don’t ever get the call.
Statewide GIS Enhancement Project 3 Phase project to ensure a seamless, statewide GIS map. Why is that important?
County A County B Call is placed from here – Where does it go?
Statewide GIS Enhancement Project Phase 1 Data Gap Analysis – Alexander Open Systems (AOS) collects GIS data from each PSAP and analyzes it. AOS provides a list of potential errors or omissions to the PSAP.
Statewide GIS Enhancement Project Phase 2 PSAP chooses a method of remediating the identified errors or omissions. In-House Non-Contract Vendor Contract Vendor 5 contract vendors 911 Coordinating Council covers costs Data is Remediated
Statewide GIS Enhancement Project Phase 3 Remediated data is submitted back to AOS for quality assurance audit. Once the remediated data passes the audit, the remediation vendor is paid and a seamless, statewide GIS database exists.
Statewide Digital Photography Project Project currently under consideration by the Coordinating Council that would provide 12” digital ortho-rectified photography for the entire state.
Statewide Digital Photography Project Exploring multiple options – Subscription Service Outright Purchase Creating capability to acquire the imagery as a partnership with KDOT.
Acquiring this imagery on a statewide basis is much more cost effective than on an individual county basis – basically about half the cost. Imagery would be available for use at levels of local and state government. Working on establishing cost sharing partnerships with State agencies. Statewide Digital Photography Project
Collateral Benefit to GIS Projects Many local and state level entities benefit from GIS improvement projects: County Appraisers City and County Planners/Engineering City and County Public Works/Road & Bridge Emergency Management KDOT KS Wildlife & Parks Etc., Etc., Etc.
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Project currently underway – Mission Critical Partners (MCP) contracted to assist with the design and implementation planning for statewide NG-911. Two phases of the multi-phase project have been completed. Strategic Plan Update Interoperability Trade Study
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Strategic Plan Update Builds on lessons learned from the NG-911 pilot project that was completed in Focuses heavily on utilizing existing network assets and shared equipment for cost containment. Basic premise of the strategic plan is to create a NG-911 infrastructure that provides the best possible service and cost/benefit to the citizens of Kansas.
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Interoperability Trade Study Focused on four areas of design: Physical Network Architecture Network Monitoring & Maintenance Call Handling Solutions A process that identified the most utilized methods of providing these areas of service and compared the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Physical Network Architecture Three models evaluated Statewide Ring Interconnected Regional Rings Hybrid Statewide with interconnected regional rings. Hybrid Solution scored highest and has been endorsed by the Coordinating Council.
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Strengths of Hybrid Design Lower price than statewide ring Easier for i3 solutions to be managed at state-level Good compromise for easy county consensus Flexibility as there is potential option for NG911 call handling CPE to be hosted at region or state level May be able to take advantage of infrastructure and relationships already in place.
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Network Monitoring & Maintenance Overarching monitoring & maintenance of the network. Two models evaluated State Agency (OITS) provides this service 3 rd Party Vendor provides this service After evaluation, the Technical Committee recommended that a 3 rd party vendor solution be pursued, with state or local governmental entities being considered as potential 3 rd party vendors.
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Call Handling Solutions Three models evaluated Single Manufacturer statewide Approved manufacturer list Individual PSAP decision with no oversight Single manufacturer method scored the highest and has been endorsed by the Council.
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Strengths of single manufacturer option Lowest cost Greatest amount of consistent interface by state-level Simplest to govern Greatest amount of standardization Simplifies training Potential to significantly reduce cost of spares Deployment velocity is easy to manage
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Strengths of single manufacturer option Simplified O&M Easiest with which to share resources Flexible solution that makes an easy transition for partial and full consolidation should local levels of government desire
NG- 911 Infrastructure Design Project Specifications for physical network and CPE solution are expected to be available by April,
What do we do between now and when statewide NG- 911 is a reality?
Where we are now - Legacy 911
Where we are going - NG 911 Transition Network CAMA IP
Interim CPE Solution CAMA IP
What does the Council want my PSAP to avoid? Unexpected or duplicated costs No connection to the state next gen network for NG911 services Creating an island of each county with respect to 911 data ANI/ALI
What does my PSAP’s solution need to be able to do? Belong to a network to transfer calls from one County to the next with 911 data Belong to a network that can take your calls (w/911 data) if PSAP is disabled
How can I assure this? Evaluate the 911 solutions in depth to ensure there are no surprises Compare proposals utilizing the Checklist for Evaluating CPE Proposals to ensure it makes sense and is comprehensive Seek assistance of State 911 consultant Randal White
Checklist for Evaluating CPE Proposals The checklist is intended to provide guidance for evaluating vendor proposals for CPE solutions. It is not intended to be an all inclusive list of questions that should be asked, nor is it intended to be a mandatory list of components that are required in a CPE solution.
Text to 911 May 15, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon will provide text to 911 services. All wireless providers and some other text message providers are now required to provide bounce back messages to people who text 911 if a PSAP hasn’t developed the capability of receiving text to 911.
Text to 911 After May 15, 2014 text will be delivered to a PSAP upon request in one of 3 ways: Text to TDD Text to internet web portal Text to i3 enabled NG-911 CPE
Text to 911 Text to TDD Available via the existing legacy 911 system No call handling equipment upgrade required Slower and ties up a 911 circuit for the text conversation.
Text to 911 Text to standalone web browser Allows PSAP to accept text messages via an internet connected web portal. Does not require upgrade of call handling equipment. Requires a standalone computer dedicated to monitoring the web portal.
Text to 911 Text to i3 enabled, NG-911 capable CPE Delivers text messages to the call handling equipment. Requires i3 services
PSAP Funding Issues Grant Philosophy 3 Focus areas 1. Design, implementation, operation and ongoing maintenance of the statewide ESInet 2. Conduct of statewide GIS Gap analysis, GIS database remediation work by contracted vendors, and Audit of GIS database remediation work
PSAP Funding Issues 3. Urgent situations in which a PSAP may lose the capability to provide E911 service due to an impending or existing 911 CPE failure Must comply with 7 minimum criteria
PSAP Funding Issues Must comply with 7 minimum criteria 1. PSAP(s) currently provides E911 level services within its jurisdiction. 2. If funding for CPE equipment is being requested, PSAP must first work with the Council to explore potential hosting solutions that could provide a suitable replacement. Proposals for back room CPE equipment will not be funded by the Council.
PSAP Funding Issues Must comply with 7 minimum criteria 3. The PSAP(s) agrees to use and maintain equipment purchased with grant funds so that it functions appropriately with the NG911 network. 4. The PSAP(s) agree to comply with all application requirements and with all administrative and reporting requirements established by the council for receiving grant funds.
PSAP Funding Issues Must comply with 7 minimum criteria 5. The PSAP(s) agrees to maintain the currency and accuracy of its GIS related data in the NG911 GIS database, whether through its staff or through requested services of another agency or of a vendor. Submission of a GIS database maintenance workflow plan will be required with a grant application.
PSAP Funding Issues Must comply with 7 minimum criteria 6. The PSAP will provide information requested by the Council concerning PSAP activity levels and the available 911 and reserve funds that could be used to address the equipment failure. 7. The PSAP will agree to explore partnership and other cost sharing options with the Council.
PSAP Funding Issues Based on limited funding for grants, it is imperative that PSAPs plan for equipment replacement needs through capital planning efforts. In support of this planning, a capital planning tool has been developed by the Coordinating Council It is available at
PSAP Funding Issues The Capital Planning Tool is a Microsoft Excel Workbook that allows a PSAP to identify the ongoing equipment replacement costs and project needed planning to fund those replacements.
“Full Inventory” Tab
“Full ER Budget” Tab
“Analysis” Tab
National Guard Armory 9751 B-29 Way Great Bend, KS Phone: (785) Cell: (785) Fax: (620) Liaison KANSAS Adjutant General’s Department Office of Emergency Communications National Guard Armory 9751B-29 Way Great Bend, KS Phone: (785) Cell: (785) FAX: (620) Scott A. Ekberg