This presentation contains not only what we found out about the air pollution in general, but also some tips how we ourselves can improve our living conditions.
What can you personally do to reduce air pollution?
Here are some tips for you...
TIP 1: Plant trees they are vitally important for our life because they are lungs of our planet trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and give out oxygen in return
TIP 2: Stop destroying forests they are being destroyed for firewood and building materials
TIP 3: Walk instead of going by your car
TIP 4: Use public transport instead of your car (when travelling long distances)
TIP 5: Support transport by railways, not roads
TIP 6: Drive at the speed limit in order to use fuel more efficiently
TIP 7: Turn the heating down in winter. Dress warmer if you are cold.
TIP 8: Use alternative sources of energy solar energywater energywind energy
TIP 9: Remember the three Rs! Reduce! (Do not buy things you do not need) Reuse! (Reuse plastic bottles or bags or whatever) Recycle! (Recycle things or buy products made from recycled materials)
Zdroj: obrázky převzaty ze souboru Klipart, autorem fotografií tvůrce prezentace