PROCESS OF VERIFICATION OF THE RESEARCH MASTER IN BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING BY THE UNIVERSITY OF LEON - SPAIN Pedro Aguado Education and Research in Biosystems or Agricultural and Biological Engineering in Europe; a Thematic Network (ERABEE-TN)
Master of Research in Biosystems Engineering Linked to a Doctorate in Biosystem Engineering Master + Doctorate replace to the previous doctorate in “Agrarian Technologies” Approved
R.D. 1393/2007 – Present situation
Comparison between the 1393/2007 (56/2005) and the previous structure
Accreditation of the 3 rd cycle in Spain Organic Law 4/2007 on Universities established a new structure for university degree programmes and degrees in Spain according to the European Higher Education Area. Royal Decree 1393/2007, 29 October, established the regulatory framework for the organisation and verification of recognised university degrees. The above Royal Decree lays down that National Agency for Quality Assesment and Accreditation (ANECA) shall establish the procedures, protocols and guidebooks for the verification of recognised degree programmes. It also lays down that ANECA must evaluate the study programme proposals, in accordance with these protocols and verification guides.
The verification process phases The verification process begins with the university applying for verification to the Universities Council. Once the Universities Council has verified the conformity of the general aspects, the programme of study is sent to ANECA for the evaluation report. The programme of study is assessed by a review panel consisting of experts who use the protocols of ANECA to draw up a draft report which will either be positive or negative, with reasons provided, together with recommendations, where applicable, for improvement. ANECA then sends the draft report to the University in order for any pleas (supporting arguments) to be made. The University has twenty days to do so. Once this deadline has passed and any pleas have been assessed, ANECA then draws up the final evaluation report, which will be either positive or negative, and it is then sent to the Universities Council. The University may appeal the verification resolution to the Board of the Universities Council.
Verification phases of the Biosystems Engineering Programme The Proposal was submitted to the Universities Council in November of 2008 The recommendations and corrections of the evaluation committee was received in May of The new proposal, with the new supporting arguments, was submitted in June of 2009 The final result (positive) of the verification was communicated at the end of July of 2009 It will be initiated in the course of
Chapters of the Application Form 1. Description of the title 2. Justification of the program 3. Objectives 4. Students access (prerequisites…) 5. Structure and subjects 6. Staff (Curricula of the academic staff, number…) 7. Facilities 8. Predicted Results 9. Internal Quality Assessment System 10. Calendar (To implant the program of studies)
Justification (Chapter 2) The studies program must to be based on (Royal Decree 1393/07) : – Previous Spanish degrees – Existing degrees in other countries – Spanish National Reports for the adaptation of the existing degrees – Association (scientific or professional) reports – Networks – Other references
ANECA requisites for the title: University Master in ….. by the University of…. “University Master” have to be used only for official degrees in order to difference these masters from the rest. “Master of Research” is used for masters with research aims The title is “University Master of Research in Biosystems Engineering by the University of Leon”
Dificulties with the proposed new title during the evaluation process: The new title “Biosystems Engineering” was justified using the works of the ERABEE TN an the POMSEBES project. Both works have been crucial for the master be approved However the evaluation committee recommended to change the title by a new one that indicate it was an agrarian studies Finally, after the University sent the new arguments and corrections the title was accepted with the original title ““Biosystems Engineering”
UniversityPrevious name of the doctorate Number of Students Proposal of Master adapted to RD 1393/2007 Name of the proposed Doctorate adapted to RD 1393/2007 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Several about Agrarian Constructions and Technical projects. 40 (2007/08)Research in Agro- engineering Doctorate in Agro- engineering University of LeonAgrarian Technologies20 (2007/08)Research in Biosystems Engineering Doctorate in Biosystems Engineering Castilla La ManchaAgrarian Science and Engineering 22 (2007/08)Research in Agrarian Science and Engineering Universidad de Valladolid Engineering for the agrarian and forestry development -----Engineering for the agrarian and forestry development Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Agri-food science, technology and management 24 (2007/08)Three masters about agri-food science, technology and management Agri-food science, technology and management Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Engineering for the rural development 23 (2008/09)Research in engineering for the rural development Doctorate in engineering for the rural development Universidad de LLeidaAgrarian and food science and technology 43 ( total of the 4 masters) Four masters about agrarian and food sciences and technologies Agrarian and food science and technology Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña Five masters in a program of Biosystems Engineering ---Four masters in a program of Biosystems Engineering Agrifood technology and biotechnology
Extension of the Topics Previous factors The previous doctorate programme was focused on the agrarian technologies (including forestry technologies) Each year more students prefer subjects and studies related to the environment, quality of the products, renewable energies and recycling of products. To obtain a positive evaluation of a “master of research” it is necessary a high number of researchers with good curricula In the University of Leon there was strong research groups working on disciplines that could be included in a Biosystems Engineering Programme
Extension of the Topics Quality, security and environment management The local varieties of crops in ecocompatible agrarian systems Numerical methods in engineering Experimental tests on new materials Recycling of materials Quality of the electric supply Technology in the agri-food industries Geomatic techniques applied to Biosystem Engineering New technologies applied to the treatment of organic waste products Biotechnology applied to the agriculture Minimization of the environmental impact Genetic resources and genetic technologies Wood diseases, fungus and Mycorrhizes
Topics taken form the previous programme Irrigation Soil Science Porharvest Technology Crop production Crop protection Forestry management Machinery Construction Environment Energy generation and electricity Rural development and agrarian policies Sustainable development
Thank you for your attention !