NCWG2-08.1A Radio Activated ATONs 2 nd Meeting of the Nautical Cartography Working Group April 2016 Monaco
Action NCWG1-16 “CA/US to prepare [a] joint proposal for [the] specification and abbreviation for radio activated Aids to Navigation.” CA/US recommendation is based on our current practice – NOAA and CHS have similar methods to chart radio activated AtoNs – Each appends a label to the signal type label and also adds a note to the chart – The note describes the signal type, how the signal is activated, and the duration of signal's activation
As charted by CHS 3 ItemExample Type of signalManual Fog Signal Activation method keying radio mike 5 times within 5 seconds Channel / Frequency channel 19 VHF ( MHz) Duration of signal activation Horn will remain active for 30 minutes.
As charted by NOAA 4
B Manually activated signals must be depicted by a legend containing the international abbreviation 'Man,' for example '(Man see note),' after the signal type (in sloping type if associated with a floating aid). A note should be inserted to describe the type of signal, activation method, channel/frequency, and duration of signal activation; or to refer to an associated publication for details. For example: Manually Activated Sound Signal (Man) Horn is activated by keying the mic 5 times on VHF-FM Ch 81. Horn will operate for 30 minutes. or Manually Activated Sound Signal (Man) For activation method details, see [associated publication]. S-4 Addition for Sound Signals 5
International Abbreviations Man Manually activated P56, R2: Modification to S-4, B
Ideas for Depiction of Manually Activated Lights 7 Fl.G.3s (Man see note)Man Fl.G.3s (see note)
B-471.1The type of light must only be shown on charts in a few special cases, in particular: Aeronautical lights (Aero), see B-476. Aeronautical lights (Aero), see B-476. Direction lights (Dir), see B and B Direction lights (Dir), see B and B Leading lights (Ldg), only where, because of scale, the two lights appear at a single position on the paper chart, and the leading line cannot be charted, see B Leading lights (Ldg), only where, because of scale, the two lights appear at a single position on the paper chart, and the leading line cannot be charted, see B Manually activated lights (Man), see B Manually activated lights (Man), see B B-473.8Manually activated lights must be depicted by a legend containing the international abbreviation 'Man,' (in sloping type if associated with a floating aid). For example: Fl.G.3s (Man see note) Fl.G.3s (Man see note) A note should be inserted to describe the activation method, channel/frequency, and duration of light activation; or to refer to an associated publication for details. For example: Manually Activated Light (Man) Light is activated by keying the mic 5 times on VHF-FM Ch 81. Light will operate for 30 minutes. or Manually Activated Light (Man) For activation method details, see [associated publication]. S-4 Modifications for Lights 8
Possible INT1 Changes 9
NCWG is invited to: a. consider the recommendations presented in Annex A to modify S-4 for the specification of a standard approach to charting manually activated sound signals, and the corresponding changes to INT1, as recommended in Annex C. b. make any necessary adjustments to the recommended S-4 text, and INT1 changes c. take the required steps to implement the changes, d. consider the possibility of other changes needed to accommodate manually activated lights and other types of aids to navigation, as suggested in Annex B. Action required of NCWG 10