The Czech Republic Army current tasks in the crisis management, non-military crises solutions and cooperation with Integrated Rescue System (IRS)
Legal regulations/ Guidelines / Agreements: Law # 219/1999 Codex, of Armed Forces; Law # 239/2000 Codex, of Integrated Rescue System; The Framework Agreement on Cooperation between Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defence: Agreement on Request Assistance Planning between General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service and General Staff of the Army of the Czech Republic, Implementation Agreement concluded between the Czech Republic (CR) Police and the CR Army to realize Government regulation no.465/2008 Codex, on the CR Army soldiers calling to perform the CR Police tasks in nuclear radiation emergencies in the Nuclear power stations (NPS): Implementation Agreement concluded between South Moravia Regional Police HQ, University of Defence Brno and Joint Forces HQ Olomouc (NPS DUKOVANY), Implementation Agreement concluded between South Bohemia Regional Police HQ, and Joint Forces HQ Olomouc (NPS TEMELÍN). The Chief of General Staff Forces and Military Means Deployment Guidelines in the framework of IRS and for fulfillment of CR Police tasks. The Framework Agreement on the National Nuclear Radiation Monitoring Network activities under the MOD responsibilities
Predetermined capacity and equipment for IRS in the year 2010 Aviation capacity and equipment for rescue action Humanitarian base and construction teams. Detach. for evacuation and humanitarian aid. Salvage detachments. Detach. for the roads free passage guarancy. and bridge passing emergency. Detach. for providing of the ground works. Detachments of CBRN recce and detection. Decontamination staff detachments. Decontamination detachments of the persons. Medical detachments. Veterinary detachments. Part of the Central Crises Plan of the CR Total:soldiers capacity466 ground technical equipment203 helicopter4
Overview of the Czech Army capacities and equipment designated into the other components IRS Type of detachment PersonsEquipmentNote Humanitarian base and construction team max detachments Flood evacuation detachment max detachments Detach. for transportation of the humanitarian aid and emergency supply max detachments Salvage detachment max detachments Detach. for the roads free passage guaranty in the towns max detachments Bridge passing emergency detachment max detachments Detach. Detach. for providing of the ground works max detachments Detach. Detach. for providing of demolition and explosive activities max detachment Special mobile (reconnaissance) biological team max detachments Static microbiological laboratory max detachment
Sort of detachment PersonsEquipmentNote Aviation unit for nuclear recce max max detachment Squad of nuclear and chemical recce max detachments Decontamination detach. of the persons max detachments Decontamination staff detachment max detachments Specialized isolation ward 1- 1 detachment Medical mobile team max detachments Military veterinary team max detachments Helicopter in readiness for SAR max detachments Carrying out of the tasks for IRS max detachment Overview of the Czech Army capacities and equipment designated into the other components IRS
Decontamination staff and persons detachments DetachmentBasic capability of detachmentReadiness for setting out 5 x Decontamination staff detachment Staff and terrain decontamination from biological, chemical and radiological agents. 24/4 hours 5 x Decontamination detach. of the persons Decontamination of persons from biological, chemical and radiological agents. 24/4 hours Predetermined capacity and equipment of the Czech Army for carrying out of the Czech Republic Police tasks DetachmentBasic capability of detachmentReadiness for setting out Aviation unit for nuclear recce Providing of airspace radiological survey - CBRN experts 6 hours Aviation unit for nuclear recce Providing of airspace radiological survey - Helicopter + crew 6 hours 2x Squad of nuclear and chemical recce Monitoring of radiological and chemical situation in reference to presence of chemical warfare agents 24 hours (6 hours for ARMS) Detachments of CBRN recce and detection
Czech Army capacity and equipment can be engaged by the government regulation by reason of carrying out Czech Republic Police tasks to provide state border protection or carry out tasks of order service when Czech Police capacity is inadequate to ensure public order and security, career soldiers have same authorization and function as police workers (with exception when government regulation limit it) during carrying out Police tasks, career soldiers wear uniform with armband reading „POLICE“, eventually special licence card, scope of tasks and equipment are in detail established by the government regulation. Predetermined capacity and equipment of Czech Army for carrying out of the Czech Republic Police tasks
a) for decontamination persons and staff (eventually livestock) (decontamination stations are set by Emergency plan of nuclear power plant): Nuclear power plant Temelín: Governor of the Region of South Bohemia (or his deputy), or director of regional fire brigade if there is danger of delay (or his deputy), executive officer or officer in charge through Joint Operation Centre (JOC) MOD, Nuclear power plant Dukovany: Governor of the Region Vysočina, Region of South Moravia (or their deputy), or director of regional fire brigade if there is danger of delay (or their deputy), executive officer or officer in charge through JOC MOD b) for taking part in evacuation of town Týn nad Vltavou – Commander of Bechyně Garrison (in reaction to demand of municipal crises headquarter), c) emergency quarter – Regional Command – summary of accommodation and boarding capacity in military facilities – in case of emergency event 3 rd grade provide it, d) for carrying out Czech Republic Police order service tasks: directors of Police Regional Command can directly ask predetermined unit. Authorization to ask for predetermined Czech Army capacity and equipment in case of emergency event (2 nd or 3 rd grade) at nuclear power plant
call on Czech Army soldiers (for as long as necessary) to carry out Czech Republic Police tasks to ensure public order and security in case of nuclear incident: at nuclear power plant Dukovany up to 500 career soldiers and in case of nuclear incident, at nuclear power plant Temelín up to 200 career soldiers. Career soldiers carry out tasks in accordance to § 1 under command of member of Czech Republic Police. Career soldiers are equipped with weapon during providing tasks. Deployment of Czech Army capacities and equipment according to government regulation issued No. 465/ calling Czech Army soldiers to carrying out tasks of Czech Rep. Police in case of nuclear incidents at nuclear power plants (with effect from 1 January 2009)