Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society By: Dr G.R.Sinha Professor and Associate Director Faculty of Engineering and Technology Shri Shankaracharya Group of Institutions, Bhilai 1
2 Outline of Talk Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Equation to Inspire E= mc 2 E= Excellence m=Motivation C=Commitment Example : C = 0.5 (Half Hearted) E= ¼ C=2 (Doubly Enthused) E=4 3 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Job Outlook National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) 4 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Present Education System More Education BUT More greed, selfishness and poverty Lack of Sincerity and Integrity 5 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Present Education System (contd..) Examination, Empowerment and Employment BUT NO Emancipation Ennoblement Evolution Education needs to be enriched with Values for Holistic development and becoming better human being 6 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Values within Love Compassion Kindness Mercy Sympathy Empathy 7 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Values to be Practised Punctuality Discipline Obedience Behavior Character 8 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Why Values ? Values give Quality and Meaning to Life Identity and Character Values make us Realize what we are is more important than what we have 9 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Value Education helps Need to understand oneself: who am I, what is my goal Manage oneself: time, stress and life Decision making Personality development 10 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Watch Thoughts: become words Words: become Action Action: becomes Habit Habit: becomes Character Character: becomes Destiny 11 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Say what you want Do what you say Prove it Improve it Practice Cycle 12 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Success Process Goal identification Strengthening commitment to goal Change behaviors and attitudes 13 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Change Attitude Negative attitudes that inhibit success Weakens commitment to goal Overconfidence Low self confidence Lack of self worth Negative view towards authority. 14 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Role of Teachers is imparting Man-making and Character-building Education 15 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
When a plant is withering and dying is it better to water the leaves or the roots? Answer lies in providing our children with value based education. 16 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there undigested all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character making assimilation of ideals. We want education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, by which one can stand on one’s feet. What we want is Western science coupled with Values of Vedanta as the guiding motto and faith in one’s own life”. Swami Vivekananda's concept of Education Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Swami Vivekananda on Education 18 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
19 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
LoveExperience Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu TruthSelf Confidence, Courage, Conviction, Commitment, DisciplineSelf Control, Self Discipline RespectParents, Teachers, Elders, Creator and Nature Jealousy & Anger Compare and Compete with ones own self ConcentrationIgnition of Scientific Temper (5 W,s – What,Why,When,Where, Who and 1H- How) Lead India’s Experiments with Human Values and Observed Results Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it. Live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of the body be full of that idea. This the way to “SUCCESS”. GOAL 21 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Neither money pays, nor name, nor fame, nor learning. It is CHARACTER that can cleave through adamantine walls of difficulties. CHARACTER 22 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
23 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
In Nation Poverty Illiteracy Corruption Unemployment Disunity Problems affecting Development: Dr Kalam In Individuals Laziness Postponement Greed Lust Jealousy Anger 24 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Correlating the Problems Individual Problems lead to National Problems. Therefore, Individual Transformation leads to National Transformation. Youth ProblemsNational ProblemsSolution Laziness & postponement Low productivity leads to Poverty and poor development Be Dynamic, punctual and sincere Desires beyond needsGreed and corruptionDiscipline, Honesty Groups based on Caste, religion, region DisunityBe Indian First 25 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Lead India “Aap Badho Desh Ko Badhao” Need Need scientific temper in Academics Need Human values for Excellence Need Global Skills to grab Global opportunities Think Globally – Act Locally - Reform Villages Each One, Teach One—Dr Kalam Each One, Teach One, Tree One 26 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Teachers can play big Role Students spend more time in the campus Categories of Teacher: Belo average: Complains Average: Teaches Good: Explains Excellent: Inspires 27 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Challenges Physical Deviation from Games and Co- curricular Activities Lack of self analysis and positive Resolution 28 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Approach Prayer Mediation Positive Resolution Value Education Classes Self Introspection Yoga 29 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
EDUCATION Spiritual Enlightenment Human and Cultural Values Respecting Nature Career Requirements Life Skills & Mission Nation’s Requirements Holistic Education System 31 Value Based Education Transforming Mankind and Society: Dr G R Sinha
Thank You All For Your Kind Attention Any Queries Please!!!! 32