Ch 8 – Food Safety Management Mostly, this includes all the stuff we’ve already discussed. You, as the manager need to actively monitor your food and employees, to reduce the risk for a FBI outbreak. There is something new though: HACCP! A bit more complex, but just one more way to keep food safe.
8-3 The foundations of Food Safety Management: Supplier selection program Personal hygiene program Cleaning and sanitizing program Standard operating procedures (SOPs) Pest control program Food safety training program These are just some food safety things you already do:
Active Managerial Control Please… just be a ‘decent’ manager! DEMONSTRATE you are food safe by getting your certification! CREATE good policies MONITOR your employees Reminder: The CDC’s 5 Common Risk Factors 1. Purchasing 2. Cooking 3. Holding 4. Contaminated equip 5. Personal hygiene example pg 8.3
Another Food Safety Management System: HACCP H azard A nalysis, C ritical C ontrol P oint HACCP is a system to reduce hazards throughout the flow of food. Your HACCP Plan is specific to your location. All plans are different.
1.Conduct a hazard analysis 2.Determine CCPs 3.Establish critical limits 4.Establish monitoring procedures 5.Identify corrective actions 6. Verify that the system works 7.Establish procedures for record keeping/ documentation Evaluate your hazards. Control those hazards Maintain an effective plan The seven HACCP principles:
HACCP Steps 1-2 ( Identifying Risks ) 1 ( Conduct a Hazard Analysis ) Analyze potential hazards by looking at the flow of each TCS item 2 ( Determine CCPs ) Identify points where hazards can be reduced or eliminated 8-21 Critical Limit
HACCP Step 3 3 ( Set Critical Limits ) What is the safe min/max associated with each CCP? 8-24
HACCP Steps 4-5 ( Control ) 4 : Monitoring How will you check critical limits : ID corrective actions What if a critical limit is not met
HACCP Steps 6-7 – Your plan 6 : Verify the system works Are the procedures keeping food safe? Re-evaluate on a regular basis : Establish procedures for record keeping/documentation Keep records for these actions: Monitoring Corrective actions Validating equipment (in good working order) Working with suppliers (invoices, specs, etc.)
1.Conduct a hazard analysis – evaluate the process 2.Determine CCPs – steps in the flow where food is most likely to become unsafe 3.Establish critical limits – what would make this safe ? 4.Establish monitoring procedures – how will I check it ? 5. Identify corrective actions – what will I do if I find out it’s not safe? 6. Verify that the system works – check it frequently 7.Establish record keeping/ documentation - keep records of important things like temps, invoices, etc Review the seven HACCP principles:
HACCP as part of a Variance Remember the processing methods that require a variance. A HACCP plan is part of this! Preserving food by smoking, curing, or using additives Custom-processing animals Using ROP Packaging fresh juice for sale Sprouting seeds or beans Etc
Review 8-30
Review Checking to see if critical limits are met 8-31 A. Hazard analysis B. Critical control points C. Critical limits E. Corrective action F. Verification G. Record keeping and documentation D. Monitoring
Review Keeping HACCP plan documents 8-32 A. Hazard analysis B. Critical control points C. Critical limits D. Monitoring E. Corrective action F. Verification G. Record keeping and documentation
Review Assessing risks within the flow of food 8-33 B. Critical control points C. Critical limits D. Monitoring E. Corrective action F. Verification G. Record keeping and documentation A. Hazard analysis
Review Specific places within the flow of food where hazards can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to a safe level 8-34 A. Hazard analysis C. Critical limits D. Monitoring E. Corrective action F. Verification G. Record keeping and documentation B. Critical control points
A. Hazard analysis B. Critical control points Review Predetermined steps taken when a critical limit is not met 8-35 C. Critical limits D. Monitoring E. Corrective action G. Record keeping and documentation F. Verification
A. Hazard analysis B. Critical control points Review Minimum or maximum boundaries that must be met to prevent a hazard 8-36 C. Critical limits D. Monitoring E. Corrective action G. Record keeping and documentation F. Verification
A. Hazard analysis B. Critical control points Review Determining if the HACCP plan is working as intended 8-37 C. Critical limits D. Monitoring E. Corrective action F. Verification G. Record keeping and documentation