Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Section 1 Natural Resources
Earth ’ s Resources A natural resource is any natural material that is used by humans, such as water, petroleum, minerals, forests and animals. Most resources are changed and made into products that make people’s lives more comfortable and convenient. Most resources are changed and made into products that make people’s lives more comfortable and convenient. The energy we get from many of these resources ultimately comes from the sun’s energy. The energy we get from many of these resources ultimately comes from the sun’s energy. Section 1 Natural Resources Chapter 5
Renewable Resources A renewable resource is a natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which it is used. Although many resources are renewable, they still can be used up before they can be renewed.Although many resources are renewable, they still can be used up before they can be renewed. Trees, for example are renewable. However, some forests are being cut down faster than new forests can grow to replace them. Trees, for example are renewable. However, some forests are being cut down faster than new forests can grow to replace them. Section 1 Natural Resources Chapter 5
Of the 55,000 plant species in Brazil, 25,000 are already threatened with extinction. The Amazon contains the highest number of plants that contain medicinal values. A cure for AIDS might have been lost forever when a rare plant became extinct because a Brazilian developer cleared some land for corn. The biological diversity of the plant and animal life of the Amazon is amazing, and unfortunately each day is becoming more threatened by the loss of habitat due to deforestation in this region.
Nonrenewable Resources Not all of Earth’s natural resources are renewable. A nonrenewable resource is a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than the rate at which it is consumed. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of nonrenewable resources. When these resources are used up, humans will have to find other resources to replace them. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of nonrenewable resources. When these resources are used up, humans will have to find other resources to replace them. Section 1 Natural Resources Chapter 5
Conserving Natural Resources Whether the natural resources you use are renewable or nonrenewable, you should be careful how you use them. To conserve natural resources, you should try to use them only when necessary. To conserve natural resources, you should try to use them only when necessary. Section 1 Natural Resources Chapter 5
Natural resources are a part of earth’s system dynamics in which raw materials are produced for the benefit of human civilization. As human’s interests are the dominating drives in natural resources use, it is important that the use is based on thorough decision making process. Before After
Conserving Natural Resources, continued Conserving resources also means taking care of the resources even when you are not using them. It is important to keep lakes, rivers, and other water resources free of pollution. Polluted water can harm plants and animals, including humans. It is important to keep lakes, rivers, and other water resources free of pollution. Polluted water can harm plants and animals, including humans. Section 1 Natural Resources Chapter 5
Conserving Natural Resources, continued Energy Conservation The energy we use to heat our homes, drive our cars, and run our computers comes from natural resources. Most of the natural resources that provide us energy are nonrenewable resources. If we don’t limit our use of energy now, the resources may not be available in the future. Most of the natural resources that provide us energy are nonrenewable resources. If we don’t limit our use of energy now, the resources may not be available in the future. Section 1 Natural Resources Chapter 5
Conserving Natural Resources, continued Conserving energy is important. You can conserve energy by being careful to use only the resources that you need. Turn off lights when you are not using them. Ride a bike, walk, or take a bus because these methods use fewer resources than a car. Turn off lights when you are not using them. Ride a bike, walk, or take a bus because these methods use fewer resources than a car. Section 1 Natural Resources Chapter 5
Conserving Natural Resources, continued Recycling also conserves energy. Energy is required to recycle materials, but it takes less energy to recycle an aluminum can than it does to make a new one. Section 1 Natural Resources Newspaper, aluminum cans, most plastic containers, and some cardboard boxes can be recycled. Check with your local recycling center to learn more. Newspaper, aluminum cans, most plastic containers, and some cardboard boxes can be recycled. Check with your local recycling center to learn more. Chapter 5