1 MGT 612 Leading Projects: The Human Side of Project Management Zvi Aronson, Ph.D.
Topics Review Course Objectives and Requirements Discuss the approach to learning and applying leadership skills that we will be using 2© Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Course Objectives Introduce and describe the competencies associated with leading others in a project environment Provide you with opportunities to learn about your own strengths and development needs associated with these competencies Familiarize you with key theories and principles relating to the study of leadership and the human side of project management 3© Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Course Requirements Participation Completion of Assessment material – u Locus of control u Tolerance for ambiguity u Interpersonal Relations (FIRO-B) u Personal Styles u Self-Awareness Skills Analysis Paper (U’ Inc.) Skills Development Paper Quizzes 4© Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Assessment Resources 5 Instrument ntor.com W&C text Locus of ControlXX Tolerance for AmbiguityXX Interpersonal style (FIRO-B) XNot in text Self-awarenessXX Learning (Cognitive) Style X (Different version from text)X Defining Issues TestXX Core Self (Big Five)Personal StyleX Emotional IntelligenceNot on lineX © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Overall Course Structure 6 Self-Awareness &Assessment (wks 2,3,4) Skill Development (wks 5, - 11) Theory and Principles (wks 2, 12-13) What am I like? What do I want? How do I get even better? What must I consider to lead collaborative efforts? © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
3 Sets of New Skills 7 Self-Management Skills: Self-Awareness & Assessment Interpersonal Leadership Skills Group Leadership Skills What am I like? What do I want? How am I perceived? Communication, Coaching, Influencing, Conflict Management Leading Teams, Analytical & Creative Problem Solving, Models of Leadership © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Course Requirements (pages 1-3 of course syllabus) 8 Participation (100 pts) Completion of Assessment material – SSS software p. 30 of W&C (wk 3) Multiple Source feedback (wk 3) - wk 4 u Locus of control u Tolerance for ambiguity u FIRO-B u Personal Styles u Self-Awareness Skills Analysis Paper (“U, Inc.”) (120 pts) Skills Development Paper (80 pts) 3 Quizzes (15 pts each) Team project (55 points) © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Participation Keep up with reading and discussions Contribute to weekly team assignments Timely completion of Assessments SSS software p. 30 of W&C (wk 3) MSQ Survey (wk 3) Online assessments (wk 4) 9 u Locus of control u Tolerance for ambiguity u FIRO-B u Personal Styles u Self-Awareness © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Multisource feedback survey Look for an from with the subject line: SS: Mgt 612 Your login details for My Virtual Using the code provided in the , log-in to the assessment site and complete a self- assessment at Forward log on information to 3-10 colleagues and ask them to assess you. You will want to work with the feedback in your skills analysis paper (U INC paper). You will receive confidential FB reports Compare confidential feedback Identify 4-5 highest /lowest rated areas and items, compare them to self ratings 10
SSS Software In-basket Exercise on page 30 of Whetten & Cameron In-baskets are a form of management simulation requiring you to review material and make decisions Use roughly 2-3 hours to review and respond to the items in your SSS Software in-basket Record your responses in writing and discuss for week 3 of the course 11© Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Skill Analysis Paper (U Inc.) ‘U, Inc Paper’ (Skill Analysis Paper) Assessment of your strengths and development areas relative to course concepts Based upon assessments and course materials Key evaluation considerations Introspection Good use of course concepts and assessments Well integrated and clearly written Good use of examples Well organized and clearly written Due at midpoint of semester 12© Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Skill Development Paper Develop Specific plans for developing skills One short-term skill - begin work during the semester; report on efforts One longer term effort - describe plans for long- term skill Should be derived from U’Inc. Paper Key evaluation considerations Logically derived goals Detailed plans built upon course concepts and principles Description of efforts Well organized and written Due at end of semester 13
An Approach for Building Leadership Skills 14 COMPONENTSCONTENTSOBJECTIVES Skill pre-assessment Surveys Assess current level of skill competence and knowledge; create readiness to change. Skill learningRole plays Teach correct principles and present a rationale for behavioral guidelines. Skill analysisWritten Text Provide examples of appropriate and inappropriate skill performance. Analyze behavioral principles and reasons they work. © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
An Approach for Building Leadership Skills 15 COMPONENTSCONTENTSOBJECTIVES Skill practiceExercises Practice behavioral guidelines. Adapt principles to personal style. Receive feedback and assistance Skill applicationSimulations Transfer classroom learning to real-life situations © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Attitudes and Behaviors of Participants: Traditional Students Learners 16 Study material to pass exams Passively accept and memorize ideas from others Complete assignments to please teacher Internalize concepts to be successful Critically evaluate ideas and test validity Use assignments to practice and improve skills Adapted from Serey, T. T., and Verderver, K. S. (1988) © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Attitudes and Behaviors of Participants: Traditional Students Learners 17 See course as an obstacle to getting a degree View assignments as threat to GPA Goal: Good grade See instructor as expert and assessor See course as opportunity to enhance success View assignments as opportunity for feedback on personal development Goal: Skill mastery Are aware of those roles-but adds coach and facilitator Adapted from Serey, T. T., and Verderver, K. S. (1988) © Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Assignment Begin reading and working with the texts Due in two weeks Complete Multiple source feedback survey in My Virtual Mentor u self assessment u distribute to others (three to ten) Complete SSS-Software In-basket 18© Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
SSS Software In-basket Exercise on page 30 of Whetten and Cameron In-baskets are a form of management simulation requiring you to review material and make decisions Use no more than two hours to review and respond to the items in your SSS Software in-basket Bring your written responses to week 3 class 19© Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson
Group Discussion Introduce who you are and where you work? Share expectations for this course? Share likes and dislikes with regard to Project Management As group identify three things you all have in common? Avoid the obvious (e.g. same program/course; work for the same company, live in the same state) Come up with unusual list of things in common. 20© Peter Dominick, Zvi Aronson