Unit 16 Learner Differences and Learner Training Teaching objectives: Students are supposed to have the knowledge of the following after learning this unit: Differences between learners Definition of learner training Contents of learner training
16. 1 Differences between learners Task 1 (Different people have different learning styles.) Different types of learners: Visual learners: learn more effectively through the eyes (seeing) Auditory learners: learn more effectively through the ear (hearing) Tactile learners: learn more effectively through touch (hands-on) Kinesthetic learners: learn more effectively through body experience Group learners: learn more effectively through working with others Individual learners: learn more effectively through working alone Authority oriented learners: prefer to listen to the teacher more than work with others or work alone Reflective learners: learn more effectively when given time to consider options
Task 2 (Check what type of learner you are.) Task 3 Advice to teachers: Know both students’ and own styles. Meet the needs to students’ different learning styles. Provide students with multiple opportunities for students to expand different learning styles. Take risks to integrate more teaching styles into class preparation. Encourage students to try different ways of learning and adjust themselves to different learning styles since different situations require different styles.
Task 4 ( a popular new term in recent research: multiple intelligence proposed by an American psychologist Howard Gardener. Gardner’s ideas: Intelligence does not exist in one single form like IQ. It is not static either. People’s intelligences can exist in many different forms and can be developed over a life time.) Types of intelligences: (see the explanations on pp ) Verbal/Linguistic intelligence Musical intelligence Logical/Mathematical intelligence Spatial/Visual intelligence Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence Interpersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Naturalist intelligence
Task 5 (Read carefully and think about the activities you did in classroom previously) Task 6 (Find out your own strong intelligences and weak intelligences. Relate the result to how you are going to do in the English learning and English teaching.) Task 7 (Useful example for designing activities to meet students’ different learning styles.)
16.2 Learner training in language teaching Task 8 (Reflecting on your past learning experiences in terms of learning styles.) Tips for learner training: Teaching students how to learn is becoming more and more important. Learner autonomy. To help learners develop effective strategies for achieving better learning result and prepare them for life-long learning is every teacher’s responsibility. Learner training focuses on the process of learning rather than the product of learning Make students become independent and autonomous learners. Three areas for preparing learners to become autonomous: Psychological preparation Methodological preparation Practice in self-direction
Some ideas about learner training: Involve students in an overview of the textbook at the beginning. Involve students in finding out about themselves. Introduce students to a number of different learning strategies. Help learners set up their own learning goals and make their own plans. Share lesson aims with students in class and review them by the end of the lesson. Use learner diaries as a way to help student reflect on their learning. Guide student to make plans for learning. Use portfolios to promote more autonomous learning. Help students learn to use resources