Living Wi$ely Session Four Session Four Living Wi$ely
Following Rule One Spend Less than You Earn Have a balanced personal cash flow plan Manage your paycheck Manage budget busters Change habits Take time over major expenditures
Needs vs. Wants What is the purpose of a car What car accessories do you NEED How large a house does your family NEED What is the primary goal of a family vacation
Following Rule Two Save Now … Buy Later How Do We Know We are Following Rule Two? Emergency account funded A plan for short and long term expenses 10% of income dedicated to savings
Following Rule Two Save Now … Buy Later Emergency Savings 5% of annual income 5% of annual income Short Term Savings enough to pay cash on big ticket items purchased in the next 5 years Long Term Savings set aside enough money to meet planned needs… retirement, college, wedding
Following Rule Three Know Debt Know how much debt we have Credit card debt is “0” Consumer debt payments take less than 10 % of our income Student loans take less than 5 % of our income Mortgage debt takes less than 25 % of our income
Consequences of Debt Reduces the standard of living Reduces savings Reduces giving Causes frustration and stress Causes relationship problems leading cause of divorce
Types of Debt Credit Card – NONE Consumer Debt – 10% of income Mortgage Debt – 25% of income Student Debt – 5% of income
Borrowing Test Am I … Seeking contentment Making an impulsive purchase Making a purchase driven by pride/ego Buying because everyone is doing it Is this item likely to depreciate Is the loan longer than necessary Can I make the payments
More Borrowing Test Is repayment a threat to: Ability to save Ability to give Ability to care for my family Is this loan is a good decision Does spouse/partner have concerns
How to Get Out of Debt Stop borrowing Start with the smallest debt and pay it off as quickly as possible Add the amount you have been paying on loan #1 to the amount you pay on loan #2 Continue the process until all debts are paid
Why Do People Have Financial Problems? They spend money they do not have
Why We Spend Money We Don’t Have Lack of Discipline Lack of Contentment Lack of Goals
Credit Card Rules One general purpose credit card Don’t use credit cards to buy things impulsively Pay off credit card bills each month If you don’t pay off a credit card at the end of the month, cut it up
The Four “Ds” Desire Discipline Decision Delight
Useful Resources
What We Have Learned Understand our financial practices Understand the three rules A financial physical Diagnose our financial situation Develop a more secure financial position
Go in Peace And enjoy Living Wi$ely!