Teaching-Learning Process Dr A.M.Kadri Associate Professor Community Medicine Deptt. P D U Medical College Rajkot
Learning Objectives of this presentation: Definition of Teaching -Learning How do we learn? How learning is retained by the learner? What are the learning styles? What are the basic principles of teaching? What are the basic principles of learning?
Our Teaching system ….
What is difference between teaching and learning?
Teaching is a process which facilitate learning by encouraging learners to think, feel and do.
Learning is a process resulting in some change or modification in the learner’s way of thinking, feeling and doing ( head, heart, hands). The change may be temporary or permanent.
Purpose of teaching is not merely passing on information or knowledge but the main purpose of teaching is to: 1.Help the students to acquire knowledge 2.Develop attitudes 3.Achieve skills 4.Establish habits TEACHING-LEARNING
Q: How do people learn?
A: Nobody really knows.
THE LEARNING STYLE INVENTORY Four phases in the learning process. Experiencing: learning from experiences (Teaching) Reflecting: judgment, taking different perspectives, looking for meaning. Thinking: logically analyzing ideas, planning systematically, using concepts. Acting: showing an ability to get things done, taking risks, influencing. Based on experiential learning theory, developRed by David Kolb Ph.D.
Experiential learning cycle Kolb Experience ApplicationReflection Generalization
Learning is not Straight ………………… …………………………………….It has curves
Learning is not Straight road.…..
Teacher-centered to Learner-centered
Where we have to take turn? Learning curve……
There are five primary learning styles: 1 visual(picture), 2 visual (text) 3 auditory 4 verbal 5 kinesthetic
Types of Learners Visual learners Auditory learners Kinesthetic learners
Learning Styles Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning, in which each individual learner begins to concentrate on, process, absorb, and retain new and difficult information.
Visual learners They remember things best by seeing something. Techniques for Visual Learners Graphic organizers, Charts, flow charts (arrows, circles, hierarchies), Algorithms, Graphs Illustrations, Maps, Video
Auditory learners They remember best through hearing or saying things aloud. Techniques for Auditory Learners –Lectures –Tutorials –Tapes –Group discussion –Speaking –Web chat
Kinesthetic learners Tactile /Kinesthetic Learners – are those who learn best through touching, feeling, and experiencing that which they are trying to learn. Techniques for tactile learners –Practice –Hands-on –Examples –Simulations
Source: Computer Strategies, LLC, % of what they read 90% of what they say, discuss, and do 70% of what they say and write 50% of what they hear and see 30% of what they see 20% of what they hear Read Hear View Images Watch Videos Attend Exhibit/Sites Watch a Demonstration Participate in Hands-on Workshop Design Collaborative Lesson Simulate or Model Lesson or Experience Design/Perform a Presentation – Do the “Real Thing” Demonstrate Apply Practice Analyze Design Create Evaluate Define List Describe Explain PEOPLE GENERALLY REMEMBER: PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO: Dale’s Cone of Experience
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING Where we have to take turn?
Basic Principles of learning 1.Multi-sense learning 2.Relevance 3.Sequential learning 4.Active learning 5.Primacy and recency 6.Practice and Repetition 7.People Learn to Do Well Only What They Practice Doing. 8.Rebound effects of evaluation 9.What Students Learn Is Influenced by Their Existing Ideas
PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING 1.It involves a change in behavior of the learner. 2.Active participation by the learner 3.Learning is personal; different people learn different things by different means and at different rates. 4.It must be aimed at realistic goals.
5.It depends on satisfactory climate characterized by good interpersonal relationships. 6.Learning under intrinsic motivation is preferable to learning under extrinsic motivation 7.Learning under the control of reward is preferable than under control of punishment. 8.Learning should be accompanied by feedback.
Confucius says - I hear …. I forget.. I see …... I remember I do.. ……I truly understand
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GOOD TEACHING PRACTICES 1. Encourages student-faculty contact. 2. Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students. 3. Encourages active learning. 4. Gives prompt feedback. 5. Emphasizes time on task. 6. Communicates high expectations. 7. Respects diverse talents and ways of learning.
Learning Vector Diagram TEACHER’S STRATEGIES LEARNER’S COMPETENCE assisting monitoring supervisi ng demonstrati ng Low High observation practice Performance on a leash Performance with a parachute
Are your teaching sessions …… ???
Design your teaching strategies based on Learning Objectives & understanding of students behaviors and needs!
what is it? what is it? Adult Learning
Adult learning
Childhood Learning Rote memory Repetition Testing as feedback Gathering building blocks Vertical and additive?
Adult Learning Conceptual Contextual Continuous Horizontal and integrated?
Andragogy Vs Pedagogy The art & science of teaching Process-based rather Vs Content-based Adults Vs Child
Androgogy vs. Pedagogy Pedagogy –Formal –Learners are dependent and directed by teacher –Evaluation is external (teachers, tests) –Learners extrinsically motivated (grades) Androgogy –Informal and cooperative –Learners are independent and self-directed –Evaluation through self- assessment –Learners intrinsically motivated
Androgogy vs. Pedagogy Pedagogy –Learners inexperienced –Value learning that is put upon them –Learning centers on a particular subject Androgogy –Learners have own rich experience, used as a resource –Value learning that is relevant to every day life –Learning centers on a particular problem
Understanding the Adult learners… Have a foundation of life experiences and knowledge Are relevancy-oriented Are practical Problem centered Are goal-oriented
Understanding the Adult learners… Are more independent Self-directed Need to be respected Need feedback
Principles of Andragogy 1.Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction. 2.Experience (including mistakes) provides the basis for learning activities. 3.Adults are most interested in learning subjects that have immediate relevance to their job or personal life. 4.Adult learning is problem-centered rather than content-oriented.
Adult Learning Principles 1.Capitalize on the experience of participants. 2.Adapt to the aging limitations of the participants. 3.Adults should be challenged to move to increasingly advanced stages of personal development. 4.Adults should have as much choice as possible in the availability and organization of learning programs.
And…. While you are brought here because you are teachers, don’t forget that you are also adult learners.
“A teacher can never truly teach, unless he is still learning himself”
What is your Motivations for Learning?
Adult learning “Personally, I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught ” WinstonWinston Churchill Churchill WinstonChurchill
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