Short Guide to EM Showing you all main Editor features in Editorial Manager
Contents General information about log in: slide 3-6 People Search/Record and Proxy mode: slide 7-9 New Submission:slide Invite Reviewers:slide Making a Decision and Final Disposition:slide Special Features:slide 23 Send author invitations/Proposal Menuslide 24-25Send author invitations/Proposal Menuslide Discussionslide 26-28Discussionslide Send reminder lettersslide 29-30Send reminder lettersslide Help and contact infoslide 31
Please keep in mind that: For this presentation one of our JB journals (NI) is used as an example. The workflow may differ from your own. All the main features are handled in this presentation so you can start with testing your journal site immediately and send comments to the EM Coordinator: Susan Hendriks Please let Susan know as soon as you are ready with testing so she can set your EM site live and you can start using it for actual submissions.
The URL of your EM journal site is: (enter your journal acro after the /)
Log in as Editor
This is your main menu
People Search You can look up specific persons by entering their first or last name in the first value field Or You can view the entire list of persons in EM by entering a space in the first value field and press enter
This is the entire list of persons in the system: By clicking on the name in blue you will enter the people record of this person (for privacy reasons most have been blinded) By clicking on the role (author, reviewer, editor) in yellow you will enter proxy mode and you can perform actions for this person
This is the people record: Here you can give someone a reviewer or editorial role, make changes in his/her personal information, add/edit classifications and keywords, etc. Don’t forget to click on the submit button to save changes. On the left you can send this person his/her Username and Password or you can inactivate this user (only if this person isn’t linked to any submissions)
When an author submits a manuscript it will first appear in your ‘Direct-to- Editor New Submissions’ or ‘New Submissions Requiring Assignments’ folder (depending on your workflow) If it’s a crank submission you can remove it right away
If the submission appears to be good enough for reviewing, you have to assign it to yourself or another Editor by clicking on ‘Assign to myself’, ‘Redirect to Other Editor’ or ‘Assign Editor’ in the Action Links of the submission (depending on your workflow) A submission has to be assigned to an Editor before you can perform other actions like inviting reviewers and making a decision. By assigning it to an Editor an Article Number is created for the submission and it can’t be removed from the system anymore.
After you have assigned the submission to yourself for instance, it will appear in your ‘New Assignments’ folder and you can start inviting reviewers.
To invite reviewers, click on ‘Invite Reviewers’ in the Action Links of the submission The above menu will appear. Click on ‘Go’ and you will enter the Reviewer Search menu. You can search on a specific name or you can enter a space in the first search field and press Enter. Now you can select reviewers from the entire list of reviewers in the system. You can change the number of reviewers. When you set it to 0 the submission will move to your ‘Submissions with Required Reviews Complete’ and you don’t have to invite additional (or any) reviewers and you can proceed with making a decision on the manuscript.
When you have selected two (or any number of) reviewers, the above screen will appear. You can select the letter (and customize it if necessary), depending on if it’s a new submission or a revision. You can change the due date if you want. Select ‘Confirm Selections and Proceed’ and the invitations will be send.
The submission will move to your ‘Reviewers Invited – No Response’ folder After the reviewers have responded and submitted their recommendations, the submission will move to your ‘Submissions with Required Reviews Complete’ folder.
After all reviews are in you can make a decision on the submission To view all reviews click on ‘View Reviews and Comments’ in the Action Links of the submission.
You can edit a review by clicking on the recommendation behind the name of the reviewer Click on ‘Edit Reviewer Comments’ in the next screen, edit the review and hit the button ‘Save and Close’.
Click on ‘Submit Editor’s Decision and Comments’ in the Action Links of the submission. Select a decision from the drop-down list, enter comments (if necessary) and click on Proceed. If you choose for a ‘revise’ decision, the author will receive a message with the reviews and he/she will be able to submit a revised manuscript. If you choose for a reject decision the submission will move to your ‘Submissions with Decisions > Reject’ folder You will be able to preview the decision letter and edit it if necessary. DECISION
Group When you have made an Accept decision you can link the submission to a group (Issue 1:1 for example) Click on ‘Linked Submissions’ in the Action Links You can create a group by clicking on ‘Create a New Group’ and give it any name you wish You can select the group and hit the ‘Add to Group’ button You can link other accepted papers to this group until the issue is complete and you can notify the Publisher.
Final Disposition You set a Final Disposition on a submission when you want to notify the Publisher that a manuscript has been accepted for publication and that the belonging files can be downloaded. Submissions with a decision can be found in your ‘All Submissions with Editor’s Decision’ in your main menu. Click on ‘Set Final Disposition’ in the Action Links of the Submission and set it to Accept/Reject. In this case we choose Accept. Note that you have to send the Author the decision letter before you will be able to set a Final Disposition, otherwise the drop down menu will only show ‘Withdrawn’.
Transmittal Form After you have set the Final Disposition, the Transmittal Form will appear. In this form you will find all manuscript details. This form will be send to the Publisher. The Transmittal Form will only appear when you set the Final Disposition to Accept.
Click OK and you are done! Please note that you have to notify the Publisher outside of the system when an issue is complete. Please download all final files (in Word, including the belonging figures and tables) from EM, copy edit the final paper and send it as Word and PDF to the Publisher together with a Table of Contents and a list of Addresses (of all authors, including addresses)
Special Features Special Features are: Send author invitations Start a discussion Send reminder letters
Author Invitations/Proposal Menu If you want to send an author an invitation to submit an article, please go to your Proposal Menu. Click on ‘Initiate Proposal’ and select an article type (see next slide)
In this case we will select ‘Special Issue Article’. Fill out the details in the form and click on ‘Assign to Myself and Invite Authors’. If you want to assign another Editor (a Guest Editor for instance) to the invitation click on ‘Proceed with no PDF’. The response and due data is pre- populated but can be edited. The process of inviting Authors is the same as for inviting reviewers, so for instructions see slides 12 and 13.
Discussion If you want to discuss a submission with your Co-Editor for instance, you can start up a discussion in EM by clicking on ‘Details’ in the Action Links of the submission. Click on the link ‘Initiate Discussion’
Select one or more persons. Send them invitation letters by hitting the button ‘Proceed to Customize Letters’, edit the letters if necessary and send them out. Set the flag to ‘Discussion Started’ All submissions with Active Discussions can be found in the folder ‘Submissions with Active Discussions’ in your Main Menu.
You can enter comments in the blank field and click on ‘Post’. You can Add Participants and end the discussion by clicking on ‘Conclude Discussion’. Uncheck the ‘Discussion Started’ flag when you have concluded a discussion.
Reminder Letters To send reminder letters to Authors / Reviewers / Editors, please click on ‘Send Reminder Letters’ in your Main Menu. For Reviewer Reminders click on ‘Reviewer Reminder Report.
You can select all reviewers and editors or select a specific person. For now we choose reviews that are late. Hit the ‘Submit’ button and a reminder report will appear (if there is corresponding data) Check the Send Reminder boxes for the reviewers you want to send a reminder letter and hit the ‘Send Reminders’ button.
Help If you need any help or if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EM Coordinator at Benjamins: Susan Hendriks