Counselors: Mrs. Akin – Grades 6-8 Mr. Brainard- Grades 9-12 (A-L) Mrs. Nolan – Grades 9-12 (M-Z) Mrs. McMahon – Secretary GET TO KNOW YOUR COUNSELORS! THEY PLAY A CRITICAL ROLE IN PREPARING YOU FOR THE FUTURE!
Each counselor has an appointment sheet with their name on it. Students should sign up and provide a reason for their meeting. A pass will be given to your teacher to come to guidance for your appointment
Principal: Mr. Pruitt Assistant Principals: Mr. Vincent, Mrs. Todd-Dixon Student Advisor: Mrs. Wolford School Nurse:Ms. Brown School Psychologist:Mrs. Viscarra Educational Diagnostician:Ms. Logan Guidance Secretary:Mrs. McMahon
All students are required to complete an online survey regarding student skills and interests. This website has information that will help students plan and explore possible future career choices and post secondary options that fit with their interests and skills. The student-friendly website contains a great amount of information that students can utilize from anywhere with internet access.
Biotechnology Biomedical Animal Science Athletic Training (2 Credits per year) Nursing (2 Credits per year) Computer Science
Red Clay requires a minimum of 24 credits. These include: › English4 credits › Math4 credits › Science3 credits › Social Studies4 credits › Phys. Education1 credit › Health½ credit › Foreign Language2 credits › Career Pathway3 credits
Six credits minimum are required for promotion. Three credits are very specific: › English 9 › Civics/Economics › 1 Math Moving from one grade to the next is based on high school credits earned.
Letter grades will be used on report cards to designate student progress. AExcellent4 Quality Points90-100% BVery Good3 Quality Points80-89% CSatisfactory2 Quality Points70-79% DPoor1 Quality Point60-69% FFailure0 Quality PointsBelow 60%
The Grade Point Average is a weighted average determined by using the grades in core courses of English, social studies, math, foreign language, and AP classes. A grade of C or better in AP class receives an additional 1.5 quality points A grade of C or better in an honors course receives an additional 1 quality point Your GPA is used to determine class rank
Two separate categories: › Courses with final exam only › Courses with a mid-term and final exam Less than 0.6F D C B A
School attendance is crucial for success in school. Students who are absent more than 25 days total (both excused and unexcused absences) during the school year will have their credits removed unless they make-up instructional time.
It is important and fun to get involved in the different activities available at Conrad! Students are more successful when they are involved! We have numerous clubs based on student interest, such as Student Council, sports, volunteer groups, and many more! Ask your counselor for more information or check the website!
Organizational skills are crucial! Time management is important in order to balance academics and other activities. Developing study skills will help you throughout high school and beyond. Please see your counselor for any help needed in these areas. WE ARE HERE TO HELP!
The goal is to prepare Delaware high school students for admission to UD. Following is an “academic roadmap” that shows the courses a student must complete and the level of performance to be reasonably confident of gaining admission to the University of Delaware.
CourseYearsAcademic Level English4At least college preparatory Math4At least CP drawn only from algebra I, algebra II, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, pre- calculus, calculus Science4At least CP, 3 of the 4 years must be drawn from chemistry, biology, and physics and all 3 must include a lab History2At least CP, including 1 course in world history Foreign Language 3 of same At least CP and all 3 years must be completed during 9-12 grades Social Studies2At least CP and drawn from psychology, political science, government, geography, or sociology Electives1At least college preparatory
Must complete at least 20 full year academic courses and at least 5 must be completed during your senior year The level must be at least CP or higher. At least 2 of these 20 must be at a level higher than CP. For example, honors or advanced placement. Among these course, no grade may be below a B- and overall cumulative GPA must be at least a B+ or higher. Must have a record of good conduct in your school and community.
We hope you enjoy being a CONRAD REDSKIN!