About Me When I was your age… I am here today because… My expectations of you today are…
Our ChAnGiNg World Some Fun Facts In the next 6 minutes, 60 babies will be born in the U.S Average annual earnings of workers age 18 and older with… $83,144 - an advanced degree $58,613 - a bachelor’s degrees $31,283 - a high school diploma $21,023 - without a high school diploma 1.5 – 3% of students SUCCEED as a professional athlete or performer
Can you believe it? 25 years ago they didn’t have… DVDs Digital Cameras GPS PDA’s Self checkout lanes Satellite TV High Definition TV
In Your Lifetime Low skill jobs = eliminated Grocery stores cashiers Receptionists Bank Tellers Toll Takers Self Checkout Voic Systems ATM Machines EZ Tags
Are you preparing for life? Start preparing NOW! High School What are you going to do? Working life Average of 48 years 70-90
High School 101 Research shows that a specific set of courses will help ensure that you have the greatest chance of success after high school 4 years of English Language Arts 4 years of Social Studies 4 years of Math 4 years of Science 2 years of a Foreign Language
But why Math and Science? These are the foundations for careers in Engineering, Technology, Science and Math. People with careers in STEM: Help make the world a better place. Shape the world for the future. Make money while having a fun job!
(some) STEM Careers ScientistTechnologistEngineerMathematician NurseProgrammer (Apps, Gaming, Scientific, etc.) Electrical EngDemographer DoctorMovie AnimationMechanical EngEconomist PharmacistAerospaceIndustrial EngAccountant VeterinarianSolar TechnologistPetroleum EngStatistician or Actuary Biologist, etcInformation Technology Chemical Eng, etcMany others….
Jobs of the Future Biotechnology & Life Sciences EnergyPetroleum Refining & Chemical Products Advanced Technologies & Manufacturing Aerospace & Defense Information & Computer Technology In Texas these industry clusters have been identified as key to the state’s future success... And they offer challenging, high-paying jobs.
What are employers looking for? Solid academic preparation Sound science and math foundation Computer literacy Good communication skills (oral and written) Ability to think critically and make good decisions Team-oriented employees Motivated/Strong Attitude
How you can begin preparing Start thinking about career options that interest you Plan to take Advanced Placement or Dual Credit courses in High School Prepare to take the SAT and/or ACT tests for college admission Research Community Colleges and Universities that fit YOUR career interests Develop a list of schools that you would like to visit
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Math Decimal (base 10) andsoon Hexadecimal (base 16) ABCDEF A1B1C1D1E1F A2B2C2D2E2F andsoon
More Math 2+ 10+5=15 27 20+7=27 44decimal
More Math 2+ 02 1A+ 16+10=26 2E 32+14=46 4Ahex 74decimal but why more math? 2+ 10+5=15 27 20+7=27 44decimal
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