Coventry Jankowski, Chair Melanie Fleury Raya Cupler NSNA Membership Recruitment: Paving Pathways, Finding Futures
Consider the pathways NSNA has made available to you…
NSNA Core Values These values are what the NSNA view as essential qualities and goals for student nurses and beyond Leadership and Autonomy Quality Education Advocacy Professionalism Care Diversity Developed by the Board of Directors
NSNA Mission Statement This is what we as NSNA Board of Directors strive to accomplish: “Mentor students preparing for initial licensure as registered nurses; to convey the standards, ethics, and skills that students will need as responsible and accountable leaders and members of the profession.”
Why Join NSNA? Networking Opportunities Nursing students from across the country Educators Leaders in the nursing field Benefits Imprint Imprint Scholarships Scholarships Discounts on products and services chosen specifically to meet the needs of nursing students Discounts
Why Join NSNA? NSNA Annual ConventionAnnual Convention NSNA MidYear Career Planning ConferenceMidYear Career Planning Conference Unparalleled leadership growth and development Access to amazing nursing leaders Ability to have a voice and share it Career Center and Leadership U Career Center Leadership U Development of an online portfolio with Professional Portfolio by HealthStreamProfessional Portfolio by HealthStream
Catch the Wave Video, available online Catch the Wave Video Membership brochures Membership Recruitment Guidelines Membership Recruitment Guidelines Getting the Pieces to Fit Getting the Pieces to Fit Access to NSNA Board MembersNSNA Board Members NSNA website resources Recruitment Tools
Start-a-Chapter request form Start-a-Chapter request form Start by reaching out to NSNA to receive information Receive introductory kit and information from NSNA staff and board members Work on becoming eligible for constituency status and fill out the Constituency Application online Constituency Application Start - a - Chapter
Total School Membership Plan NSNA Membership dues are incorporated into the school tuition There is a $10 discount for new and renewing members Total School Membership Plan web page for more information Total School Membership Plan Opportunity to opt out of Total Membership
Individuals- Project in TouchProject in Touch Schools- Precious Metal AwardPrecious Metal Award State- Winner’s Way ContestWinner’s Way Contest Overall involvement: State Excellence Award State Excellence Award State President- Isabell Hampton Robb Leadership AwardIsabell Hampton Robb Leadership Award Consultant/Faculty Advisor- Leader of Leaders AwardLeader of Leaders Award Opportunity for Awards and Recognition
Member Benefits Online Join NSNA Online It’s faster to join, renew online with a credit card Join NSNA Online Membership numbers issued on the confirmation page Ability to update member profile Register for NSNA Annual Convention Register for MidYear Career Planning Conference
Find the path to your future… with NSNA!
Sharing of Recruitment Ideas Questions and Answers Coventry Jankowski, Vice President of NSNA Cathy Ramos, Membership Staff Specialist,