Same magnets repel each other. Some games can be magnetic like small chess and snakes and ladders. Magnets come in different shapes and sizes like the horse shoe magnet.
A spaceship needs a lot of energy to make it lift off the ground other wise it would stay on the ground because of gravity. On the moon there is less gravity than there is on the earth.
You need to push a toy car to make it go forward. You need to push and pull a swing so it can go high. You need to pull a toy to make it follow you.
A golf club needs high friction so that when you hit the ball it doesn't fly out of your hand. A car tyre needs high friction other wise the car wheels will slip. Goalie gloves need high friction to catch the ball other wise the ball will slip out of the goalies hands.
The slide needs LOW friction so we can go down it and have fun! The swing needs low friction if it had high friction we could not swing and if we did swing we would not go very far at all. Ice skates need low friction or we would be going no where on the very cold ice or we would just lose our balance and fall over and get very cold and injured.
Friction is something that rubs when you pull something across a surface and slows it down like when you rub your hands together. Friction is some times useful by helping a car grip the road. A mountain bike needs high friction and a slide needs low friction.
Table=1,worktop=1,carpet=2, stones=2.2,sink=1.5