SCRATCHING THE SURFACE Kindergarten Programming Nick Grippin
PURPOSE For the students: To introduce basic programming skills To have a basic working knowledge of the Scratch program To reinforce and supplement current math concepts as required by the Kindergarten SOL To introduce math concepts necessary for successful Scratch programming
INTRODUCTION Lesson Plans Quizzes/Other forms of assessment Programs Construction/De-construction Heavy on math concepts
PAST STUDIES Gregory Gates (07-08) Elementary Education in a Technology Age Jessica Gorman, Crystal Noel, Paul Imm (08-09) Benefits of a Computer Education Learning to Design Computer Programs in an Elementary School Setting
THEORY Kindergarten students are able to learn and apply basic problem-solving skills The earlier you begin teaching programming, the better and more natural grasp they will have later Early introduction of programming will encourage later studies in the future Scratch can be used to teach topics other than programming.
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Scratch Developed by MIT Stresses visual application, such as puzzle piece code and immediate visual output Designed specifically for young programmers, room for creativity
METHODS Hand-outs Quizzes “Cheat sheets” Hands-on demonstration Questions Rewards Independent work
PROCEDURES Independent Work Pre-planned lessons Heavily visual, assumption that students cannot read Enticing: grab the attention of the students early Construction/De-construction Alternating between making a program and taking it apart Math Lessons based on information not taught at current level, but necessary for Scratch
PROBLEMS ATTENTION Students will lose it quickly and often Planning Getting lesson plans simplified for the kindergarten level Complicated Subject Math concepts too difficult for students to understand General Computer Use Right Clicking, Typing, Opening and Saving, Error messages
RESULTS AS OF 4/8/2010 Students have basic working knowledge of: Inserting/Creating new Sprites Movements Starting (“Green Flag”) Turning Math X-Y Grid Counting steps Degrees Random numbers Geometry
PLANNED RESULTS Students will understand the following: Selected subjects outlined in the Kindergarten Math SoL Higher working knowledge of Scratch Eight tabs Coding of the Coin Flip Random numbers