TPB meeting R. Aleksan November 2 th, 2009 TIARA-PP 1.Objectives 2.Deliverables 3.Schedule Work Package 1
Objectives Management of the TIARA-PP consortium Project Management (WP1) Project Office (7.5 person-year) TIARA-PP Coordinator Deputy PO and Dissemination Web master Assistant financial matters Assistant legal matters Administrative assistant TaskDescription 1.1Coordination of the Consortium Reporting to the EC Reporting to the Consortium Governing Bodies Coordination and Monitoring of the Project Management of the Budget 1.2Communication, Dissemination and Outreach Communication and Dissemination within the consortium Dissemination and Outreach toward the Communities and people at large 1 Participant CEA
WP deliverables Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery) NumNatShort nameDescriptionmonth D1.1OWebPubOverall Web Site Frame ready0 D1.2OConsAgrmntConsortium Agreement between participants ready0 D1.3OContractContract of the Consortium with the EC signed1 D1.4OKickMeetOrganization of the Kickoff meeting1 D1.5OWebIntInternal Web Site Frame Ready2 D1.6RMidRepMidterm Report18 D1.7RFinRepFinal Report36 Milestones NumNatShort nameDescriptionmonth M1.1OWebPubPreliminary Overall Web Site Frame set up-3 M1.2OMidMeetOrganization of Midterm General Meeting17 M1.3OFinMeetOrganization of Final General Meeting34
TIARA management 3 general meetings with 2 town meetings Web Site External and Internal Mid-term Final reports
TIARA management