Real-Life Super Heroes! Rosa Parks Richard Martin The Superheroes with no powers but have done great things. Thomas Barnardo Brenna, Bryann,& Mayah Raoul Wallenberg
Real-Life Super Heroes About The Book What if there are superheroes without powers? Well there are! Real-Life superheroes explains it all! Many superheroes and different opinions The book is important in different ways
What’s important? Has a lot of information Has historical figures Real life issues EX: Rosa Parks & Raoul Wallenberg
IT’S STILL IMPORTANT!!! They did a lot of good things for all humans “Richard wanted to stop cruel sports, like bear-baiting” These people cared about humans and animals! They stood up against unfair laws
Different Opinions! My opinion: book is good! An award: Greatest superhero award These heroes are greatly needed A little boring but still some interesting and we need to know who sacrificed their lives for us!