Martin Luther
Martin Luther Why learn about him?
The Lutheran church is named after him But that’s not what he wanted
Gospel-centered church He wanted it to be called the Gospel-centered church (evangelical) Because “ev” means “good,” and Angel means “message.” That’s what his church is still called in Germany.
He started the Reformation He tried to “reform” the Catholic church, by Nailing up 95 theses in 1517, but was removed from the Catholic church in 1521
Others then also formed new churches Today’s churches that are neither Catholic, nor Orthodox are called PROTESTANT. Note the word “protest” is in it --- because they “protested” when officials tried to stop them.
Protestant Reformation That’s why the movement started by Luther is called the Protestant Reformation
Example for us: Stood up for the truth despite danger of death
When he was on trial, He could have been arrested for teaching what the Bible said. His words “Here I stand --- I can do no other --- so help me God” are an example for us.
Example for us: He found peace through God’s love
He spent years in despair, Because he wasn’t sure he could love God enough to be saved. Then he found the Bible teaching: By grace are you saved through faith. It’s not how much you love God -- it’s how much God loves you.
So he always stressed 3 basics: Grace alone Faith alone Bible alone
GRACE ALONE Grace as God’s attitude of love toward us
FAITH ALONE Not “Faith plus good works”
BIBLE ALONE Not “Bible PLUS traditions”
HE TRANSLATED THE BIBLE The first in Europe to put the Latin Bible into the language of the people.
A man named Tyndale Tried doing this in England --- And got burned at the stake. Our English Bibles developed from his work.
TRANSLATED CHURCH SERVICE Up to then it had been in Latin Luther was the first to put the church service into the local language – in his case, German. The Roman Catholics finally put the service from Latin into English in 1963.
Spent more time on the sermon Because he wanted people to understand “by grace through faith.”
ALLOWED PEOPLE TO SING Up to then, the people had sat silently in church and listened to the choir sing The choir would sing in Latin, and the people would sit quietly Luther got the people to sing again, as they had in the early church
MADE IT SINGABLE Luther and his co-workers wrote up-to-date music for the five common songs in the service (up to then they had been sung by the choir): LORD HAVE MERCY, GLORY BE TO GOD ON HIGH, CREED, HOLY HOLY HOLY, LAMB OF GOD Which of these are sung in your church?
LUTHER ADDED OTHER HYMNS He wrote words for 37 songs, And wrote music for 10 of them, such as A Mighty Fortress is our God. He often led group singing in his home by playing the lute. More songs were written by his friends They published the first hymnbook in 1523.
Luther removed some customs: He noticed that the Bible did NOT say: … that pastors could not get married. … that we should pray to dead believers … that people could not have the wine during communion
BREAD AND WINE Ever since 1281, the people had not been allowed to have the wine – only the bread. Luther insisted that everyone could have both bread and wine. In 1415, John Hus had been burned at the stake for doing this. The Roman Catholic church finally allowed the people to have the wine in 1963.
BREAD AND BODY In 1215, the Catholic church said that the bread “changed into” the body of Christ. Luther said, it remains bread, but it is also the body because Jesus said “This is my body.” In 1552, Calvin said, it is only bread, and reminds us that Jesus is with us.
REMOVED COMMUNION PRAYER Up to Luther’s time, there had been a prayer to change the bread into the body. Luther took it out of the service, because it made it sound like Jesus was sacrificing for our sins again at communion, but really he does not have to sacrifice again after dying on the cross.
Learning is for all Luther wanted common people to be able to read the Bible, so he stressed having schools for all, including for girls. He also wanted them to be well prepared to take communion. This led to “confirmation” and “confirmation classes” starting in the 1600’s.
Learning at home Luther wanted parents to be able to teach the faith to their own children, So he wrote the “small catechism.” (a book of questions and answers)
WRITING BOOKS He also wrote a “large catechism” for pastors. All of Luther’s writings fit into 40 books.
HOW MANY SACRAMENTS? He was told there were seven, but in the Bible he found only two that were: 1. Commanded by God 2. Used a physical substance 3. Included a promise from God
ONE IS BAPTISM Commanded by God, when Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples … baptizing them.” Physical substance: water Promise: “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.”
THE OTHER IS COMMUNION Commanded by God, when Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me” Physical substance: bread and wine Promise: “Given for you for the forgiveness of sins.”
GO DIRECTLY TO GOD He was told that the church workers were closer to God. He discovered that all believers can go directly to God in prayer. This is called the “priesthood of all believers.”
EVERY JOB IS IMPORTANT He was taught that the church people had jobs that were more important to God. He discovered that every job is important, and every job is a way to serve God. The term used for your job is “vocation,” which means “calling in life.”
WHO IS A REAL CHURCH MEMBER Luther was told that you couldn’t be saved unless you belonged to the church that was led by the pope. He discovered: All true believers are saved. The members you see (visible church) may or may not be true believers. All who trust in Christ are part of the real body of Christ (invisible church)
THREATS AND PROMISES He was told that God will love us if we keep His laws. He discovered that God loves us even though we are not perfect. God loves us so much that He sent His son to die for us. That message is called “the gospel.”
MORE ABOUT LAW AND GOSPEL The LAW shows us our sins. The GOSPEL shows us our savior. When we believe the gospel, we receive new life. That new life does not do things that break God’s law. Unfortunately, we still have the old life, which breaks God’s laws.
DON’T MIX LAW AND GOSPEL Luther cautioned --- Never let law sound like ia way to be saved. Never let gospel sound like a set of rules. GOSPEL is PURE PROMISE, with no strings attached.
NEW AND OLD LIFE TOGETHER He was told that if you tried hard enough you could deserve to get to heaven. He discovered that all believers are always saved but imperfect at the same time. We are always “saint” and “sinner.”
HIS APPROACH His approach was to comfort people, not to put pressure on them. He never forgot how much he needed comfort back in the monastery. He was careful never to mix any “law” into the comfort of the “gospel.” God loves you, no matter what failings you may have.
END The time spent getting to know Luther are now over. What will stick in your mind? Text by Jim Found. Art by microsoft clipart.