Did God create the world? There are two famous arguments which try to prove that the universe must have been created by God. Two of the most famous are about cause and effect and design. The cause and effect argument says that everything that exists has been caused by something else so there must be a first cause outside the universe that caused the universe itself to come into being. This first cause is said to be God
The design argument says that because the world is so well designed and so beautiful it must have been designed by someone with great intelligence. That someone must be God. Scientists often talk about the Big bang millions of years ago as the cause of the universe. Some Christians disagree with this. Creationists think the story of Creation in the Bible is literally true and the world was created in 6 days less than 10,000 years ago.
Most Catholics accept that the universe came into existence about 10 billion years ago and many think it came about as a result of a Big Bang. But they still insist that God is the Creator who created the universe by setting off the Big Bang. Most Catholics also accept the scientific evidence that human beings evolved from simpler life forms. The Catechism teaches that scientific discoveries about the origins of the world should increase our admiration for the greatness of God our Creator.