OPEN ENROLLMENT EMPLOYEE SURVEY Version 1 1.Were the communication materials provided to you over the last few weeks easy to understand? Yes No 2.Did you feel well informed to make your 2015 healthcare choice? Yes No 3.Rate the overall quality of your Open Enrollment meeting (video, open enrollment team members, materials, room set-up) Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Now we would like to ask a couple questions about the Primary Care services provided by OnSite Health available in the Wellness Center. 4.I see great value in my company offering on-site medical and wellness services Yes No 5.I have utilized the wellness coaching or medical services at the Wellness Center Yes No 6.At some point I have missed a scheduled appointment for wellness coaching or medical services Yes No 7.If yes to question #6, please check all the reasons that apply to why you missed your appointment I just forgot about my appointment My department was so busy I did not feel good about leaving for my appointment I did not feel my supervisor would let me leave my department to go to my appointment I was not aware that I am able to make appointments during my regular work day schedule
8.I find it easy to make appointments for: Wellness Coaching Yes No 9.I have been very satisfied with the services I have received from: The front receptionist desk area Yes No The Medical Services Yes No 10.Overall, I feel my Supervisor supports the services provided by the Wellness Center Yes No 11.I would recommend the Wellness Center services to my family and fellow employees Yes No The Wellness Coaching Yes No OPEN ENROLLMENT EMPLOYEE SURVEY
Version 2 1.To what extent do you agree with the following statement: The materials provided to me prior to Open Enrollment were easy to understand and informative Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree 2.Did you like receiving your benefit materials prior to your Open Enrollment meeting? Yes No Neutral 3.On a scale of 1-5, how helpful was your Open Enrollment meeting in making your benefit choices (5 being best)? 1 2 3 4 5 4.On a scale of 1-5, how effective were the presenters from AGENCY/BROKERAGE (5 being best)? 1 2 3 4 5 5.Do you appreciate the opportunity to save money on your health insurance or win a prize by participating in the Wellness Program? Yes No If no, please explain why. 6.What suggestions do you have for next year's Open Enrollment?
OPEN ENROLLMENT EMPLOYEE SURVEY Version 3 1.Did you appreciate receiving your medical and other benefit information prior to your open enrollment meeting opportunity? Yes No 2.Did you feel well informed to make your 2015 medical and other benefit choices? Yes No 3.What is your preferred method of communication (choose one)? Mail Text Message Verbally by Supervisor 4. Did you attend the first Wellness seminar? Yes No 5. If not, why (choose one)? Didn’t know about it Don’t feel like I had the time to participate Confusing – didn’t understand how to join Not interested Other reason __________________________________ 6.Are you participating in the Walking Challenge? Yes No 7.If not, why (choose one)? Didn’t know about it Don’t feel like I had the time to participate Confusing – didn’t understand how to join Not interested Other reason __________________________________ If you would like to receive monthly health, wellness and benefits communications via or possible text message, please fill in your information below. You can unsubscribe at any time. NAME ADDRESSMOBILE PHONE NUMBER