THE RENAISSANCE Reasons Renaissance occurred Monasteries – accessed Greek and Arabic Texts (1100’s); translated by Jewish scholars, studied in monasteriesMonasteries – accessed Greek and Arabic Texts (1100’s); translated by Jewish scholars, studied in monasteries Universities – emerged as new centers of learning (1200’s)Universities – emerged as new centers of learning (1200’s) Guild training and teachingGuild training and teaching Specialty schools:Specialty schools: E.g. Bologna (Law)E.g. Bologna (Law) Scholasticism(attempt to blend Aristotle and religion)Scholasticism(attempt to blend Aristotle and religion)
THE RENAISSANCE Impacts of the Renaissance Humanists and Printers Dante and Chaucer – inspire the humanist movementDante and Chaucer – inspire the humanist movement Humanist movement – interest in humanities and classical literatureHumanist movement – interest in humanities and classical literature Wrote in vernacular and Latin; leads to creation of more libraries and reanalysis of biblical textsWrote in vernacular and Latin; leads to creation of more libraries and reanalysis of biblical texts Printing press is invented!!!Printing press is invented!!! 1454 invented – 1500 over 10 million pieces of printed material!1454 invented – 1500 over 10 million pieces of printed material!
THE RENAISSANCE Impacts of the Renaissance Artists Built on natural paintings of GiottoBuilt on natural paintings of Giotto Famous Artists of period: DaVinci and MichelangeloFamous Artists of period: DaVinci and Michelangelo Wealthy merchants (Medici) and Catholic church oftentimes sponsor work of the artistsWealthy merchants (Medici) and Catholic church oftentimes sponsor work of the artists IMPACTS AND EMPHASIS OF THE RENAISSANCE SPREAD ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!
THE RENAISSANCE Cause for 100 Years War The Hundred Years War pitted France against England, whose King Edward III claimed the French throne in 1337.The Hundred Years War pitted France against England, whose King Edward III claimed the French throne in The war was fought with the new military technology: crossbows; longbows; pikes (for pulling knights off their horses); and firearms, including an improved cannon.The war was fought with the new military technology: crossbows; longbows; pikes (for pulling knights off their horses); and firearms, including an improved cannon.
THE RENAISSANCE Effects of the 100 Years War The French, whose superior cannon destroyed the castles of the English and their allies, finally defeated the English. The war left the French monarchy in a stronger position than before.The French, whose superior cannon destroyed the castles of the English and their allies, finally defeated the English. The war left the French monarchy in a stronger position than before.
THE RENAISSANCE Limited Monarchy in England The “new monarchies” that emerged after the Hundred Years War had stronger central governments, more stable national boundaries, and stronger representative institutions.The “new monarchies” that emerged after the Hundred Years War had stronger central governments, more stable national boundaries, and stronger representative institutions. Both the English and the French monarchs consolidated their control over their nobles.Both the English and the French monarchs consolidated their control over their nobles.
THE RENAISSANCE Limited Monarchy (cont.) The advent of new military technology—cannon and hand- held firearms—meant that the castle and the knight were outdated. The new monarchs depended on professional standing armies of bowmen, pikemen, musketeers, and artillery units.The advent of new military technology—cannon and hand- held firearms—meant that the castle and the knight were outdated. The new monarchs depended on professional standing armies of bowmen, pikemen, musketeers, and artillery units.
THE RENAISSANCE Limited Monarchy (cont.) The new monarchs had to find new sources of revenue to pay for these standing armies. To raise money, the new monarchs taxed land, merchants, and the church.The new monarchs had to find new sources of revenue to pay for these standing armies. To raise money, the new monarchs taxed land, merchants, and the church.
THE RENAISSANCE Limited Monarchy (cont.) By the end of the 15 th century, there had been a shift in power away from the nobility and the church and toward the monarchs.By the end of the 15 th century, there had been a shift in power away from the nobility and the church and toward the monarchs. Monarchs were still hemmed in by the nobles, the church, and by new parliamentary institutions: the Parliament in England and the Estates General in FranceMonarchs were still hemmed in by the nobles, the church, and by new parliamentary institutions: the Parliament in England and the Estates General in France
THE RENAISSANCE Results of the Reconquista Spain and Portugal emerged as strong centralized states through a process of marriage alliances, mergers, warfare, and the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims.Spain and Portugal emerged as strong centralized states through a process of marriage alliances, mergers, warfare, and the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims. Reconquest offered the nobility large landed estates upon which they could grow rich without having to work.Reconquest offered the nobility large landed estates upon which they could grow rich without having to work.
THE RENAISSANCE Results of the Reconquista The reconquest took place over a period of several centuries, but it picked up after the Christians put the Muslims on the defensive with a victory in 1212.The reconquest took place over a period of several centuries, but it picked up after the Christians put the Muslims on the defensive with a victory in Portugal became completely established in In 1415, the Portuguese captured the Moroccan port of Ceuta, which gave them access to the trans- Saharan trade.Portugal became completely established in In 1415, the Portuguese captured the Moroccan port of Ceuta, which gave them access to the trans- Saharan trade.
THE RENAISSANCE Results of the Reconquista On the Iberian Peninsula, Castile and Aragon were united in 1469 and the Muslims were driven out of their last Iberian stronghold (Granada) in 1492.On the Iberian Peninsula, Castile and Aragon were united in 1469 and the Muslims were driven out of their last Iberian stronghold (Granada) in Spain then expelled all Jews and Muslims from its territory; Portugal also expelled its Jewish population.Spain then expelled all Jews and Muslims from its territory; Portugal also expelled its Jewish population.