Lesson 1
God gave to Jesus ↓ Jesus gave to an angel ↓ Angel gave to John ↓ John gave to the 7 churches in Asia Theme: John told to write/ Saw Jesus Blessing given to those who read, hear and heed
Hear: He who has an ear, let him hear… Rev. 2:11, 29 Instructions to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum and Thyatira. Theme: To the churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum and Thyatira
Hear: He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches Instructions to: Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea Theme: To churches at Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea
John saw a door open IN HEAVEN “First voice” refers back to 1:10-12 24 elders and 4 living creatures worship Theme: Worship in heaven before God’s throne
God holding a book/ scroll An angel asks who is worthy The only One worthy: The Lion of Judah The Root of David The Lamb as if slain Theme: Lamb – worthy to break/open seals
Six of the 7 seals are broken 1 st seal: ◦ Rider on a white horse ◦ Has a bow and is given a crown ◦ Goes out conquering and to conquer 2nd seal: o Rider on a red horse o Takes peace from the earth: men slay each other o Given a great sword
3 rd seal: o Rider on a black horse o Has a pair of scales o Voice commands to measure…don’t harm 4 th seal: o Riding ashen/pale horse o Death/Hades o Two are given authority to kill ¾ of the earth o Famine, pestilence and wild beasts
5 th seal: o Souls who had been slain under the altar o How long before blood is avenged? o Given white robes and told to rest a bit longer o More of them will be killed 6 th seal: o Great earthquake o Sun, moon, stars, sky all change o Every island and mountain moved o Men hide and want to die o Theme: Six seals broken
Time phrase: “After this” Four angels holding back the four winds 5 th angel with God’s seal: don’t harm until… 144,000 sealed: 12,000 from each tribe “After these things” vs John saw a great multitude from every nation Multitude was before the throne IN HEAVEN 144,000 were ON EARTH Theme: 144,000 of Israel sealed & great multitude
7 th seal is broken/opened Silence in heaven for about 30 minutes Seven trumpets given to seven angels Incense = prayers of the saints going up before God Fire is thrown from the altar to the earth Thunder, rumblings, lightning, earthquake AFTER the angels are given trumpets……
1st trumpet o Hail, fire, blood thrown to the earth o 1/3 of the earth and trees, burned and ALL green grass 2 nd trumpet o Burning mountain thrown into the sea o 1/3 of sea becomes blood o 1/3 of sea creatures die o 1/3 of ships destroyed
3 rd trumpet o Great star falls on1/3 of rivers and waters on earth o Many men die from bitter waters 4 th trumpet o 1/3 sun, moon, and stars darkened Rev. 8:13 John sees a flying eagle and it says: “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on earth…because of the last 3 trumpets Theme: 7 th seal 4 trumpets
5 th trumpet Key to the bottomless pit given to 5 th angel Smoke from the bottomless pit o Locusts on earth for 5 months/scorpions o Hurt men without God’s seal o First woe is past 6 th trumpet o Four angels at Euphrates River released o Prepared for hour, day, month and year o 1/3 of mankind killed o Theme: 5 th and 6 th trumpets
This chapter does not continue with trumpets John’s vision of strong angel John hears 7 peals of thunder speak something he is told NOT to write vs. 4 Strong angel speaks of the 7 th angel vs.7 Mystery of God is finished/fulfilled John eats the little book/scroll John is to prophecy more Theme: John ate book Prophecy again
Continuation of chapter 10 John is given a measuring rod Prophecy – the nations will tread the court of the temple and holy city for 42 months Two witnesses – prophecy for 1,260 days The beast will kill them People will look at their dead bodies 3 ½ days Witnesses raised from the dead; called to heaven Great earthquake
7,000 people are killed from the earthquake 2 nd woe is past 3 rd woe is coming quickly/soon 7 th angel sounds Verses th trumpet o World kingdom becomes the Lord’s forever o 24 elders worship because God reigns o Nations enraged, God’s wrath comes o Time to judge the dead, reward the saints o Destroy those who destroy the earth
o Temple in heaven opens o Ark of the Covenant appears o Lightning, sounds, rumblings, thunder, earthquake and hailstorm Theme: 2 Witnesses 7 th Trumpet Purpose of the book: To show His servants things which must soon take place Rev. 1:1