First, let's start with a basic definition: 1. Prepositions show relationships between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence. 2. They reveal relationships, time, place, direction, manner, etc.
Examples of PHYSICAL LOCATION prepositions behind under between
Examples of MOVEMENT prepositions backwards along around
Examples of GEOLOGICAL LOCATION prepositions to the west of to the north of
Examples of TIME prepositions after before
Some Common Prepositions aboard about above across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside between beyond by down during except for from in into like of off on over past since through throughout to toward under underneath until up upon with within without
1. A cat was sitting _______the roof of my car. (place) 2. Some people were talking ___the movie. (time) 3. A man was coming____ us on his bike. (direction) 4. The party starts_____ six o’clock. (time) 5. She put the book ____her bag. (place) 6. We walked____ the street to the park. (place) 7. She keeps her slippers____ her bed. (place) 8. We always wash our hands ____meals. (time) 9. She ran ____the dog because she was frightened. (direction) TRY THIS: