Uses of the Ablative and Accusative At Least SOME of Them!


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Presentation transcript:

Uses of the Ablative and Accusative At Least SOME of Them!

Ablative of Manner  Answers the question: HOW, IN WHAT MANNER, something is done.  Used with CUM –but cum may be omitted when used with an adjective

Ablative of Manner - examples Cum studio laborat. He works WITH EAGERNESS (eagerly) Milites cum animo pugnaverunt. The soldiers fought WITH COURAGE (courageously) Magnā cum curā silvas nostras conservabimus. WITH GREAT CARE we will save our forests. Note: with an adjective – the formula is adjective + cum + noun

Ablative of Time When When something happens In English – in, at, on Does not use a preposition

Examples – Time When Aestate navigare amamus. We love to sail IN SUMMER. Decimā horā cenare vultis. You want to eat dinner at the tenth hour.

Ablative of Time Within Which Range of time within which something happens No preposition is used in Latin In English use in or within Usually a plural number – with hora, annus, or dies

Examples – Time Within Which Tribus horis frumentum legetur. In three hours the grain will be collected. Uno anno bellum geremus. We will wage war within a year.

Accusative of Duration of Time How long an action will take or took No preposition in Latin Use the English word - For

Examples – Accusative of Duration of Time In Galliā quattuor annos habitavi. I lived in Gaul FOR FOUR YEARS. Duas horas remansit. He remained FOR TWO HOURS.

Accusative of Extent of Space How far No preposition in Latin In English, translate with FOR

Examples Viginti pedes natavit. She swam for twenty feet.