1 NYS Grades 4-8 Teacher Growth Scores: From MGP to HEDI Ratings and Scores August 2016 Disclaimer If there are any discrepancies between the language in these materials and the Statute, Regulations, or APPR Guidance, the Statute, Regulations, or APPR Guidance prevail.
2 2 How is MGP Classified into 3012-c Growth Rating for Teachers of Grades 4-8 in ? MGP Confidence Range Lower Limit > Mean (Lower Limit > 51) Lower Limit > Mean (Lower Limit > 51) Any Upper Limit < Mean (Upper Limit < 51) Upper Limit < Mean (Upper Limit < 51) Upper Limit (<.75 SD below mean) (Upper Limit < 43) Upper Limit (<.75 SD below mean) (Upper Limit < 43) Growth Rating Yes No Yes No Notes: SD = Standard Deviation Values are rounded to the nearest whole number. Highly Effective Well above state average for similar students (18-20 points) Highly Effective Well above state average for similar students (18-20 points) Effective Equal to state average for similar students (9-17 points) Effective Equal to state average for similar students (9-17 points) Developing Below average for similar students (3-8 points) Developing Below average for similar students (3-8 points) Ineffective Well below average for similar students (0-2 points) Ineffective Well below average for similar students (0-2 points) MGP ≥ 1.5 SD above mean (MGPs of 67 or higher) MGP ≥ 1.5 SD above mean (MGPs of 67 or higher) MGP > 1 SD below mean and MGP < 1.5 SD above mean (MGPs of 41 thru 66) MGP > 1 SD below mean and MGP < 1.5 SD above mean (MGPs of 41 thru 66) MGP > 1.5 SD below mean and MGP ≤ 1 SD below mean (MGPs of 35 thru 40) MGP > 1.5 SD below mean and MGP ≤ 1 SD below mean (MGPs of 35 thru 40) MGP ≤ 1.5 SD below mean (MGPs of 34 or lower) MGP ≤ 1.5 SD below mean (MGPs of 34 or lower)
3 3 How are 3012-c Growth Score Points * for Teachers Assigned in ? Point value of 3 includes teachers with MGPs in the Ineffective category but confidence ranges of 43 or above Point value of 9 includes teachers with MGPs in the Developing category but confidence ranges above state average Point value of 17 includes teachers with MGPs in the Highly Effective category but confidence ranges below state average HEDI Points * Min MGPMax MGP Highly Effective Well above state average for similar students (18-20 points) Highly Effective Well above state average for similar students (18-20 points) Ineffective Well below average for similar students (0-2 points) Ineffective Well below average for similar students (0-2 points) Effective Equal to state average for similar students (9-17 points) Effective Equal to state average for similar students (9-17 points) Developing Below average for similar students (3-8 points) Developing Below average for similar students (3-8 points) * Based on the arguments presented in the NYC arbitration proceeding held on May 30 and 31, 2013 and pursuant to his authority in Education Law §3012-c(2)(a), the Commissioner imposed new proportional scoring ranges for use in NYC for the , , and school years. Please see the following link for a description of these scoring ranges: appr-plan pdf. appr-plan pdf
4 4 How is MGP Classified into 3012-d Growth Rating for Teachers of Grades 4-8 in ? MGP Confidence Range Lower Limit > Mean (Lower Limit > 51) Lower Limit > Mean (Lower Limit > 51) Any Upper Limit < Mean (Upper Limit < 51) Upper Limit < Mean (Upper Limit < 51) Upper Limit (<.75 SD below mean) (Upper Limit < 43) Upper Limit (<.75 SD below mean) (Upper Limit < 43) Growth Rating Yes No Yes No Notes: SD = Standard Deviation Values are rounded to the nearest whole number. Highly Effective Well above state average for similar students (18-20 points) Highly Effective Well above state average for similar students (18-20 points) Effective Equal to state average for similar students (15-17 points) Effective Equal to state average for similar students (15-17 points) Developing Below average for similar students (13-14 points) Developing Below average for similar students (13-14 points) Ineffective Well below average for similar students (0-12 points) Ineffective Well below average for similar students (0-12 points) MGP ≥ 1.5 SD above mean (MGPs of 67 or higher) MGP ≥ 1.5 SD above mean (MGPs of 67 or higher) MGP > 1 SD below mean and MGP < 1.5 SD above mean (MGPs of 41 thru 66) MGP > 1 SD below mean and MGP < 1.5 SD above mean (MGPs of 41 thru 66) MGP > 1.5 SD below mean and MGP ≤ 1 SD below mean (MGPs of 35 thru 40) MGP > 1.5 SD below mean and MGP ≤ 1 SD below mean (MGPs of 35 thru 40) MGP ≤ 1.5 SD below mean (MGPs of 34 or lower) MGP ≤ 1.5 SD below mean (MGPs of 34 or lower)
5 5 How are 3012-d Growth Score Points * for Teachers Assigned in ? Point value of 13 includes teachers with MGPs in the Ineffective category but confidence ranges of 43 or above Point value of 15 includes teachers with MGPs in the Developing category but confidence ranges above state average Point value of 17 includes teachers with MGPs in the Highly Effective category but confidence ranges below state average HEDI Points * Min MGPMax MGP Highly Effective Well above state average for similar students (18-20 points) Highly Effective Well above state average for similar students (18-20 points) Ineffective Well below average for similar students (0-12 points) Ineffective Well below average for similar students (0-12 points) Effective Equal to state average for similar students (15-17 points) Effective Equal to state average for similar students (15-17 points) Developing Below average for similar students (13-14 points) Developing Below average for similar students (13-14 points)