Cinemeducation for finding Jedi people among medical students: promoting leaders for the FFM. Pablo G. Blasco, MD, PhD Graziela Moreto, MD Maria Auxiliadora C. De Benedetto, MD Thais Raquel P. Pinheiro, MD Pablo G. Blasco, MD, PhD Graziela Moreto, MD Maria Auxiliadora C. De Benedetto, MD Thais Raquel P. Pinheiro, MD Brazilian Society of Family Medicine
Before we start.... Any experience in using movie clips in teaching? – Teaching students, residents, and/or faculty in your department/program. Our experience: not about movies, but about finding leaders!!!
FM- Brazilian Background In Brazil, there are virtually no family medicine departments in medical schools. Even when students are exposed to subjects related to primary care or family practice in their medical training there is no emphasis on the academic component of the discipline.
Strategies for developing FM How do you begin a discipline where it does not yet exist? Strategies on many levels. One area that seems of critical importance is student interest. Students can have a strong voice in their education.
SOBRAMFA and Medical Students Getting Students Involved For more than seventeen years ( ) SOBRAMFA- Brazilian Society of Family Medicine has spread the family medicine philosophy among medical students through congresses, academic meetings, family medicine seminars, international meetings set in Brazil, and Continuous Medical Education Courses.
Students´ interest: A Powerful resource. This students´ interest is a powerful resource to strengthen the core values of family medicine, as students realize they need these values to become better doctors. Besides seeing family medicine as their future specialty choice, family medicine provides students with tools to improve doctoring and for dealing with patients.
SOBRAMFA Teaching through movies One of the most valuable strategies developed by SOBRAMFA is that related to Cinematic Teaching. SOBRAMFA points out a methodology with high impact on the learners.
Why cinematic teaching? In life, the most important attitudes, values, and actions are taught through role modeling and example, a process that acts directly on the learner’s emotions. Although technical knowledge and skills can be acquired through training with little reflective process, it is impossible to refine attitudes, acquire virtues, and incorporate values without reflection. Learning through aesthetics -in which cinema is included- stimulates a reflective attitude in the learner.
Fostering Reflection: the main goal The purpose is not to show students how to incorporate a particular attitude, but rather to promote students’ reflection and to provide a forum for discussion.
Methodology Movies provide a quick and direct teaching scenario in which specific scenes point out important issues, emotions are presented in accessible ways where they are easy to identify, and students are able to understand and recognize them immediately. In this context it makes sense to use movie clips because of their brevity, rapidity and emotional intensity. Bringing clips from different movies, to illustrate or intensify a particular point fits well with the dynamic and emotional nature of students´ experience.
How we use film clips Faculty who made the non-medical film clips show them with simultaneous commentary Faculty who know the method facilitate a small group discussion among the students Later, the students become involved and talk their ideas with own film scenes, which they felt would be useful for starting a new discussion. Next, sometimes, we make a discussion with all participants to talk the most important point in each small group.
Why we use this approach? The Method: is well-suited to the audio-visual culture in which our students are immersed impacts our learners’ affective domain Motivates and involves our learners
Which subjects emerged in the discussions? Related to the development of the human being, the importance of dialogue and respect for others’ opinions and perspectives, caring about little things in life (which makes difference when dealing with people), promoting compassion, empathy, and commitment
Why this approach works Emotions lead students to reflect about their lives. Simultaneous commentary expands perceptions and fosters student reflection Fits with the Brazilian temperament: students and intuitive learning Method works well with Brazilian students and Portuguese-speaking people – They´re follow subtitles in Portuguese and the comments in same language – The comments don´t compete with the original language (mostly English)
Understanding the process Students identify with film characters and movie “realities” Students use film scenes to represent their own reality The educational outcome is expanded by providing continuity through daily life, in which students’ reflection is supported by the film situations’ models
1.Increase reflection 2.Promote empathic attitudes 3.Enrich professional values 4.Develop well-rounded qualities What can we expect from this?
Students talking about this….. “If I were a teacher, I will try to improve communication with my students, and reach their emotions, touching them since in this way they will grow up like human beings. There is a barrier between teachers and students, and we need to go further than contents to overcome this barrier. We need to reach peoples´ heart for providing good education”. (Student´s quote) (Sq)
Motivation Students´quote “You need to get the right motivation from the students, get them involved somehow” “What really matters in education is to foster people development as human being. We need to value the person more than contents. In this way we could get from the students the best they have in their inside”.
Disclosure Provocation “Maybe one of the best outcomes in education is to accomplish what happens in the Lion King Movie clip we saw a few minutes ago. Teachers should get students to look in their inside, like the Lion King, and to find their own motivations to take their place in the circle of life. When you find your own motivations, they are powerful and stronger than motivations coming from the outside” (Sq)
Outcomes The Cinematic Teaching experience has made the difference in SOBRAMFA strategies to foster family medicine core values. In this period in which SOBRAMFA has develop de movie-clip teaching, more than 4000 medical students have being involved Some of them are by now family doctors and integrate de current SOBRAMFA Board of Directors.
Why Jedis? Based on the “Star Wars” mythology SOBRAMFA realizes that cinematic teaching has acted as a useful resource for finding “Jedi people” among medical students. As the “Jedi education” we need to find them and train them while they are still very young.
In those students we find commitment, empathy, compassion, respect and vision of the future. They care about dialogue, and about little things in life, which makes difference when dealing with people. They have become young teachers able to deal with other students and teach knowledge, skills and attitudes included in the family medicine core values. They are real leaders and they are ready to devote their lives to improve the Future of Family Medicine.