1 st Vice Commander –There is going to be a lot going on over the next couple of months so keep up with the calendar. Don’t forget our Memorial Day Ceremony.


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Presentation transcript:

1 st Vice Commander –There is going to be a lot going on over the next couple of months so keep up with the calendar. Don’t forget our Memorial Day Ceremony at 1200 on Monday 28 May. We will have our Open House following the ceremony. We will have Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chips and Entertainment. If you would like to donate a dish or dessert, bring it on in. For God and Country.....Mouse Commander’s Corner - Thanks for everyone’s help at the Post Clean up April 14. At the General Membership meeting on Mar 13, 2012, we had 23 people show up for the meeting. I opened nominations for your Post Officers for 2012 – The following nominations were made: Commander : Mike Holdener, Mike Munoz, 1st, 2ndVice : NONE, 3rd Vice : Jake Taffaro, Historian : NONE, Chaplain : Stu Baker, Sgt-at-Arms : Bill Cummins, John Sego, House Committeemen : Hal Eyerly, John Frenzel. (Hal and John are both Past Commanders, and still help the Post), Jim Fournier. Here are the Duties/Responsibilities of the Post Commander: It shall be the duty of the Post Commander to preside at all meetings of the Post and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the Post. He/she shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall make an annual report covering the business of the Post for the year and make recommendations for the ensuring year which shall be read at the annual meeting at the time of, and immediately following, the installation of officers for the ensuring year. He/she may call special meetings of the Post at such times as He/she may deem advisable. He/she shall enforce all rules and regulation of the Post. He/she shall appoint all committees except those covered by the by-laws. The Post Commander along with the Post Adjutant shall sign all written contracts, obligations and instruments of the Post and its management. We have posted a sign-up sheet in the lounge if anyone wants to add their name for an Office they would like to run for. I’ve told you about running for office, if you want to run, come to the meeting May 8th. We will have nominations again just before elections. This will most likely be my last Article as your Commander. It’s been a good ride these last two years. I’ve tried to do what I thought was the BEST for Post 240. Please support your 2012 – 2013 Post Officers. They need your help also. Please support the Lounge, Post, Auxiliary, SAL and Riders. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FOR GOD AND COUNTRY MAY 2012 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice COMMANDER Jimmy Martin ADJUTANT Michael Munoz ST VICE COMMANDER Michael Munoz ND VICE COMMANDER Vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Bill Eastman FINANCE OFFICER Hal Eyerly HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Jake Taffaro CHAPLAIN Stu Baker SERVICE OFFICER Randy McGhee ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn SAL COMMANDER Jimmy Martin HOUSE COMMITTEE Phil Gist Al Rogers Ron Woolsey Michael Holdener John Wyers POST LOUNGE LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Kim Edens CHAPLAIN Linda Mackin SAL: Your SAL membership is 93.5%. Elections for the SAL Officers will be held on Thursday May 3rd at 6:30PM at the Post. Please bring your 2012 Membership card to verify your eligibility to vote. Nominations are: Commander: Brian Nichols, 1st Vice Commander: Leslie Baker. Nominations will be held just before the election again. Please come support your Sons of the American Legion and run for an office. I have tried to keep the SAL going this past year, please pickup my slack and become involved and be a part of the American Legion Family. Jimmy Lee Martin Acting SAL Cdr Legion Riders, Our last Bike Night dinner is on May 17th at 6:00 pm; hope to see you all there. Our next ALR meeting will be on May 6 th at 10:00 am due to Mothers Day, please attend. Remember Elections for all Officers will be held at this meeting. For God and Country Richard Raborn Director Bingo: Bingo has been doing well. I turned over $ to the Post April 10th. Thanks to the Volunteers that help me and the Post with Bingo. Please support next year’s Chairman as you have supported me and the Bingo this last two years. Jimmy Lee Martin Chairman Auxiliary - We voted six new members in. May meeting we will be voting for new officers. We still have umbrellas for sell – see Anita. Kim Edens President Come out and Vote May 8th Memorial Day Ceremony May Mother’s Day Breakfast 0800 – 1100 on 13 May