Deductive and Inductive Arguments
All bats are mammals. All mammals are warm-blooded. So, all bats are warm-blooded. All arguments are deductive or inductive. Deductive arguments are arguments in which the conclusion is arrived at logically because of premises (statements) believed to be true. Inductive arguments are arguments in which the conclusion is arrived at because of premises known and observed or experienced. Premise is a statement upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn.
All bats are mammals. All mammals are warm-blooded. So, all bats are warm-blooded. If the premises are true, the conclusion, logically, must also be true. Deductive.
Kristin is a law student. Most law students own laptops. So, probably Kristin owns a laptop. In the example above, the word probably shows that the argument is inductive.
The rule says that no one who is not a member will be admitted. I am not a member. ? What is the conclusion and is it deductive or inductive?
Every time I get in a fight my nose itches. I just noticed that my nose is itching. ? What is the conclusion and it is deductive or inductive?
My last two Toyota’s have all performed well, so I am sure the next Toyota will perform well. Is this argument deductive or inductive? How can you tell?
Amy says that Jhayla is outgoing and Jhayla is her friend. Jhayla said that Amy is an honest person. So Jhayla is, most probably, outgoing. Deductive or Inductive?
The weatherman said that a low pressure front is moving into the area. The sky is overcast. I see people with umbrellas in the street. Therefore, it will rain. Is this argument deductive or inductive? How can you tell?
I come after Raven in the batting lineup. Raven just hit a homerun. It is my turn to bat. Deductive or inductive?
There is no tap-tap in Mrs. Neal’s room. Sammy is going tap-tap. Mrs. Neal is going to go off. Deductive or inductive? How can you tell?
Studying makes one highly intelligent. All 7 th graders at LMS study for long periods of time. So all LMS 7 th graders are highly intelligent. Inductive or deductive?