Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
Land &Water Resource (2012) Total Precipitation 4000 BCM Utilizable 1123 BCM(SW 690, GW 433) Utilized634 BCM(SW 403,GW 231) Net Sown Area141 Million ha Gross Cropped Area195 Million ha Net Irrigated Area65 Mha (SW 25, GW 40) Irrig. Potential Created112 Million ha Potential utilized91 Mha (Gross irrigated) Precision Irrigation7.7 Million ha
3 Windows of Opportunity
Source of Irrigation Canals 26% Tube wells 45% Dug Wells 18% Tanks 3.5% Others 7.5%
Challenges Regional imbalances Substantial area under rainfed condition Gap between irrigation potential created and utilized Over exploitation of ground water Poor water use efficiency Lack of coordination & synergy Improper crop alignment Lack of regulation and pricing of water Climate change Large liability of irrigation projects
6 Achieving the goal of bringing irrigation water to every farm, there is need to converge all ongoing efforts, put all efforts under one umbrella and to bridge the gaps through location specific innovative interventions. Need for PMKSY
Bridging gap between irrg potential & utilisation Enhance water use efficiency & management Har Khet ko Pani Jal Sinchaya Jal Sichan Creating/Streng thening water distribution network Increase gross irrigated area VisionVisionStrategyStrategyOutcomeOutcome More crop per drop Enhanced farm productivity Rural prosperity
Objectives Achieve cconvergence of investments in irrigation at field level Enhance physical access of water on the farm and Expand cultivable area under assured irrigation (Har ket ko pani) Integration of water source, distribution and application to make best use of water appr. techn Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage & increase availability both in duration and extent.
Enhance adoption of precision-irrigation & other water cons. technologies (More crop per drop) Introduce suitable water conservation practices for ground water recharge Development of rainfed areas through watershed approach. Promote extension activities water harvest, management & crop alignment for farmers & gross root functionaries. Treatment of municipal waste water for peri- urban agriculture Attract greater private investments in irrigation
End to End Solution Water Sources Distribution Network Crop & Water Management & Creation, repair, restoration & renovation of water sources Promoting efficient conveyance and field application devices Encouraging community irrigation management Developing/Strengthening distribution network for brining water to farm Strengthening Irrigation Supply Chain Water Use Efficiency Crop alignment, moisture conservation
Components of PMKSY PMKSY (Watershed) Soil & Moisture Conservation Rain water harvesting Runoff Mgmt & Treatment Livelihood support activities AIBP Focus on completion Medium & Major Projects National Projects PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani) Creation of sources throug h Surface Minor Irrigation Command Area Distribution Diversion of Water Lift Irrigation, GW Dev Restoration & rejuvenation of Traditional water bodies PMKSY( Per drop More Crop) On farm water mgmt Drought proofing – gap filling Precision irrigation Dist/State irrg. Plan Extension Activities Coordination & Monitoring
Nodal/implementing Department State Agriculture Department is the nodal department Coordinate in preparation of DIP/SIP Convening meetings of SLSC and IDWG Furnishing of physical and financial report Implementation of different components by respective departments Funds would be released by the respective ministries to the corresponding implementing department in the State
NSC: National Steering Committee Strategic Decisions/ Advisories Inter State issues National priorities Inter- Ministerial Prime Minister
NSC: National Executive Committee Oversee implementation Coordination Monitoring Admn. issues Inter- Ministerial VC, NITI Aayog
State Level Sanctioning Committee Approval of DIP/SIP Sanctioning and prioritizing projects Coordination & Convergence Deciding implementing department Intra state allocation Monitoring and review Chief Secretary
Inter Departmental Working Group Inter departmental consultation Day to day coordination and management Screening of projects Supporting SLSC in decision making APC/Development Commissioner
District Level Implementation Committee Preparation of DIP/sub plans Annual irrigation plan Field level coordination Monitoring progress Public awareness and campaign District Collector
Monitoring & Evaluation ICT-MIS RS/GIS Mobile- App based
Why DIP Convergence – Mapping of all water related interventions Address priority, equity and water use efficiency Long term drought proofing measures Focused Extension services Mobilise Private sector investment in irrigation sector Facilitate planning of all crop development programme
Principle-Water Budgeting Demand (how much is needed for various purpose) Supply ( availability source wise) Gap ( how much efficiency can be achieved) DIP ( Demand –Supply= Gap)
Salient Features of DIP Medium to long-term Participatory and joint exercise Preparation at block and district level Consolidation at state level Comprehensive plan may cover more than one district if planning on sub basin /basin level Extensive use of Remote sensing, topo sheets, GP S
District Irrigation Plan Corner stone for planning and implementation DIPs to integrate all three segments viz. water sources, distribution and applications incorporating all demand and supply side management DIP to address mapping of existing water sources, untapped potential available for irrigation, projected demand Mapping of resources available from different programmes/ schemes and gap analysis Technical and professional expertise available with various departments / agencies/ industries to be leveraged in the planning process Use of satellite imagery, topo sheets and available database for comprehensive development Intensive participatory consultation process at field level DIPs and SIP will provide requisite emphasis on convergence by eliminating overlap of resources
Cont.. Ground water and use of treated effluent where ever feasible should be suitably incorporated. Balance IP creation and utilization should be attempted through use of pressured piped irrigation network and micro irrigation in balance distribution network as far as technically feasible in command areas. Inter-State issues should be addressed in the form of proposed water utilization, to be within the overall allocation of State share, fixed by Tribunal/Agreements/MoU between States and before approval the concurrence of party States may be obtained and included before sanctioning the project.
Strategy for planning (a) Assured Irrigation in command (HKKP) How much potential created How much utilized Reasons for the gap Activities to reduce the gap(Command area dev, desiltation of canal) Improvement in irrigation efficiency Canal management Participatory irrigation Management Micro Irrigation Improved on-farm water management Completion of priority projects (AIBP, RIDF, State Fund)
Contd.. (b ) Non Irrigated Command (1) GW Development (HKKP, PDMC, others) i. Pvt. t/w through subsidy ii. Community t/w iii. Custom hiring(group of farmers) (2) Watershed(IWMP) i. More focus on water harvesting & GW recharge ii. Drought proofing by converging MGNREGS & other initiatives (3) Traditional Water bodies (MGNREGS, HKKP, others) i. Desiltation, Repair, renovation & restoration ii. Material component-PDMP-other initiatives (4) River lift projects (HKKP) (5) Water harvesting, check dams, farm ponds etc. in Non IWMP areas (MGNREGA, HKKP, PDMP, RKVY, MIDH, others )
Each plan to include one cluster (few villages) to depict complete package of comprehensive irrigation development. (PDMP, MGNREGS, HKKP, State) District plan to be segregated into annual action plan based on available resources & mapped for funding from particular source (GoI, State, RIDF, Ext. aided, MGNREGS) Extension activities also need to be integrated into the plan addressing following Crop alignment Agronomic management Awareness campaign Capacity building & training. Any project/activity related to water sector, be it from any funding source Central/State/Ext. aided/RIDF of funding, need to drawn from DIP – SLSC decisions to be obtained Details of physical & financial progress from any funding source need to be captured in the MIS and geo tagged – progress to be shared with Nodal Dept.
Architecture of DIP and SIP Improvement in water management Source augumentation Efficient water use Integration & Planning with DIP & SIP
Status of DIP Preparation 153 officers trained across 6 institutes Few states have conducted separate follow up training, demand for follow training by more states, Target of all DIPs to be completed by March 2016 Rs crore released across states and UT for DIP preparation.
DIP Coordination and appraisal State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) : Approving the SIP and DIP Sanctioning projects under PMKSY Inter Department Working Group (IDWG): Inter Departmental Consultation, Screening of proposals District Level Implementation Committee: Preparation of DIP and seek approval of the SLSC To prepare AIPs arising out of the DIPs
Cost norms and funding pattern Pattern of assistance of CS scheme is applicable. During , existing pattern of assistance of ongoing schemes may be continued Technical requirements / standards, pattern of assistance etc. as per the guidelines issued by programme Ministry/dept Introduction of additional activities with approval of concerned Union Minister In absence of GoI guidelines norms and conditions prescribed in State schemes may be applied In cases of no Central / State Govt. norms SLSC is empowered to take a decision Adherence to Govt. approved rate for creation of irrigation infrastructure
Convergence Operate as a convergence platform All central govt. programmes related water resource development, conservation & management like MGNREGS, RKVY, MIDH, MPLAD, All State sector programmes in these sectors including MLALAD, Local body funds etc. All RIDF projects in water sector All World Bank and Externally aided projects in the related field Intensive Particularly Planning Exercise (IPPE) conducted for MGNREGA in 2,500 backward blocks to be used in preparing the DIP Labour intensive works like earth work to be taken up under MGNREGA for de-silting of ponds, canals, defunct water bodies etc. PMKSY fund may be used for topping up of material cost beyond the specified limit of MGNERGA
Template -District Irrigation Plan Foreword (By District Collector), Index and Executive Summary Introduction: Background, Vision, Objective, strategy /approach, rationale /justification statement in reference to the status and need of irrigation.
Chapter- I – General Information on District District Profile Demography Biomass and Livestock Agro-ecology, Climate, Hydrology and topography Soil Profile, Soil Erosion and Runoff*, Land Use Pattern Table(s): 1.1 to 1.7 of Annexure I *optional
Chap-II: District Water Profile Area Wise, Crop Wise irrigation Status Production and Productivity of Major Crops Irrigation Based Classification Table(s) : 2.1 to 2.3 of Annexure I
Chap III: Water Availability Status of Water Availability Status of Ground Water Availability Status of Command Area Existing Type of Irrigation Table(s) : 3.1 to 3.4 of Annexure I
Chapter IV: Water Requirement/ Demand Domestic Water Demand Crop Water Demand Livestock Water Demand Industrial Water Demand Water Demand for Power generation Total Water Demand of the District for Various Sector Water Budget Any other Table(s) : 4.1 to 4.7 of Annexure I
Chapter V: Strategic Action Plan for irrigation in District under PMKSY Table(s) : V of Annexure I
Appendix A: District Maps With *available layers of attributes Land Use of the District Soil Type of the District Cultivable Command Area (Kharif, Rabi, Zayad ) Cropping Pattern ((Kharif, Rabi, Zayad ) Surface and Subsurface Water Sub Basin &Watershed Irrigation canals and other sources, irrigated area Industries &sewage treatment plant Urban and Peri urban agriculture Zone Source: NRSA, SRSA, WRIS, Bhuvan application of ISRO
Village Wise Intervention
Bhuvan Portal for PMKSY
‘Har Khet ko Pani’ Rural prosperity