Board of Governors Fee Waiver SMCCCD LOSS OF ELIGIBILITY REGULATORY CHANGES Margie Carrington, Director of Financial Aid Services Cañada College Last Update: May 5, 2016
Loss of Fee Waiver September 27, 2012: SB 1456 Student Success Act of 2012 New law will help students complete educational goals Begins implementation of Student Success Task Force recommendations 2.2 (mandated services), 3.2 (BOG Fee Waiver conditions), and 8.2 (Student Support Initiative) January 2014: Final Board of Governors Fee Waiver regulations adopted Section of subchapter 7 of chapter 9 of division 6 of title 5 of the California Code of Regulations is added
Key Provisions The student becomes ineligible for the BOGFW if placed on academic or progress probation, as defined in section 55031(a) or (b), or a combination for two consecutive primary terms Fall and spring semesters for colleges on a semester system Fall, winter, and spring quarters for colleges on a quarter system Terms are considered consecutive on the basis of the student’s enrollment so long as the break in the student’s enrollment does not exceed one primary term – Guidance from CCCCO to go back up to 4 terms Loss of eligibility shall become effective at the first registration opportunity AFTER such determination is made Loss of BOGFW eligibility shall not occur prior to the fall 2016 term Excludes Foster Youth (up to age 24) – expires on January 1, 2017
Implementing Regulations Districts required to begin notifications to students following the spring 2015 term Notice of future BOGFW eligibility risk to ALL at-risk students Not just current BOGFW at-risk students Required within 30 days from the end of the term - ongoing Districts must ensure that the requirements of this section are fully operational for the fall 2016 term Includes information in board policies, catalogs, websites, etc. Each community college district shall establish written procedures to appeal the loss of the BOGFW
Notification Dear SMCCCD Student, This is to alert you that you are currently failing to meet the minimum academic progress standards at one or more of the three colleges within the San Mateo County Community College District (Cañada College, College of San Mateo and Skyline College) and are at risk of losing future Board of Governors’ Fee waiver (BOGFW) eligibility. The most recent assessment of your academic standing was made after final grades were processed at the end of the spring 2015 semester. The minimum academic and progress standards are defined as a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 50% completion rate for all attempted units within the SMCCCD. Recent changes made to Title 5 of the California Education Code by SB 1456 Student Success Act of 2012 state that beginning in Fall 2016, a student who fails to meet the minimum academic and progress standards of the institution for two consecutive semesters (fall and spring semesters, excludes summer) is at risk of losing eligibility for the Board of Governors’ Fee Waiver (BOGFW). If you currently do not receive the BOGFW, you are still at risk of losing future eligibility until you regain good academic progress standing. To learn more about this recent change and the steps you can take now to improve your academic progress standing, please see The SMCCCD Colleges have a wide variety of support services and programs to help you successfully achieve your educational goals. You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of them. Sincerely, The SMCCCD Colleges
SMCCCD Board Action 3CBG/ CISOA 2015 CONFERENCE MONTEREY AP Student Financial Aid Programs 4. Loss of Eligibility for BOG Fee Waiver A student shall become ineligible for a Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver if the student is placed on academic or progress probation, or any combination thereof, for two consecutive primary terms. Loss of eligibility shall become effective at the first registration opportunity after such determination is made. The District shall notify students of their placement on academic or progress probation no later than thirty days following the end of the term that resulted in the student’s placement on probation. The notification must clearly state that two consecutive primary terms of probation will lead to a loss of the BOG Fee Waiver until the student is no longer on probation. The notification must also advise students about the available student support services to assist them in maintaining eligibility…. The District shall adopt, prominently display, and disseminate policies ensuring that students are advised about the student support services available to assist them in maintaining and reestablishing eligibility BOG Fee Waiver eligibility. Dissemination includes, but is not limited to, information provided in college catalogs and class schedules. The District shall establish written procedures by which a student may appeal the loss of a BOG Fee Waiver due to extenuating circumstances, or when a student with a disability applied for, but did not receive, a reasonable accommodation in a timely manner. Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illnesses, or other circumstances that might include documented changes in the student’s economic situation or evidence that the student was unable to obtain essential student support services. Extenuating circumstances also includes special consideration of the specific factors associated with Veterans, CalWORKs, EOPS, and DSPS student status. Foster Youth shall not be subject to loss of BOG Fee Waiver due to placement on academic or progress probation. This exemption for Foster Youth is effective until the date specified in Education Code Section (c).
Appeals Extenuating circumstances Verified cases of accidents, illnesses Documented changes in student’s economic situation Evidence the student was unable to obtain essential support services Factors associated with Veterans, CalWORKs, EOPS, and DSPS status Student with a disability applied for, but did not receive reasonable accommodation in a timely manner Significant academic improvement in term (2.0 GPA/50% Completion) Optional to approve or grant automatic appeal A student who successfully appeals the loss of enrollment priority shall also have BOGFW eligibility restored (ONE APPEAL PROCESS)
SMCCCD Status/Process Communication & Collaboration Common Appeal Form Local Committee SMCCCD Resource Page SMCCCD Board Policy CALBFA/CALBSTU Banner Releases late May/Install June Loss of Enrollment Priority & BOGFW Modules Chose to delay BOGFW posting until Banner install Notified all students
Campus Collaboration Extenuating Circumstances Committee Dean of Counseling (expedited review EOPS, DRC, CalWORKs…) Categorical Program Rep SSSP Retention Specialist Academic Dean Financial Aid Campus “Road Show” SMCCCD ESC, FASC, VP Council, Counseling Department, Communities of Practice (Program Coordinators, Retention Specialists, front line), Shared Governance (IPC, APC, SSPC, ASCC, Academic Senate, Classified Senate, PBC), ACES (Student Equity), Division Meetings 3CBG/ CISOA 2015 CONFERENCE MONTEREY
Determining Consecutive Terms
SMCCCD Resource Page
Chancellor’s Office Resources 3CBG/ CISOA 2015 CONFERENCE MONTEREY